Lucky for us, cooking gluten-free has become simple, especially now that there are fabulous new types of pasta to help us with it, like Catelli’s line of delicious gluten free pastas. If you have checked out my previous post, Gluten-Free Bacon Mushroom Ranch Crockpot Chicken n’ Pasta, you saw how easy it was to switch in gluten-free pasta instead of the usual white flour based pasta. My kids didn’t even notice, and let me tell you, if my daughter the pasta hound couldn’t tell, no one can. That little nose of hers will wrinkle up the moment she gets near gluten free bread or muffins. She knows. However, she had no idea that I had subbed in Catelli Gluten Free Linguini for that dish.

three boxes of Catelli’s Gluten Free Pastas


With summertime on the way, all of the recipes here on The Kitchen Magpie are taking a new turn. Burgers and salads, springtime treats, all of my recipes are going with the seasonal flow. So I thought why not give you all some great ideas on how to switch up some of my best pasta dishes and make them gluten-free?

Now, with all gluten free cooking, you simply must make sure that all of your ingredients are gluten free, not just the pasta. Like I’ve said before, almost everything can be found gluten free when it comes to sauces and condiments luckily, so these switcheroos are easy!

First, one of the most popular recipes on my website come summertime, my Retro Macaroni Picnic Salad. This would be excellent using the Catelli Gluten Free macaroni instead of white pasta! This is also the best macaroni salad recipe that you’ll ever eat, it’s my favorite. This is a hit wherever you take it, picnics, BBQs or any large gathering of people this summer. Nothing hits the spot on a hot summer’s day better than a cold macaroni salad.

Retro Macaroni Picnic Salad in a white bowl


Stir-frys are also excellent summertime fare, as you don’t have to turn on the oven and they are generally quick and easy. One of my favorites is my Cashew Chicken Stir Fry. I suggest using the Catelli Gluten Free linguini for this one, as it’s closer to the types of noodles used in many stir-frys, but heartier.


Cashew Chicken Stir Fry with Catelli Gluten Free linguin

How about a lovely classic chicken marsala? You can substitute in some gluten free pasta – and don’t be scared to use a rotini, but you can use spaghetti if you like as well. Since this is made on the stove, again, it’s a good pasta dish for the summer months.

classic chicken marsala in spaghetti

Those are only three examples of how easy it is to switch a gluten-free pasta into one of your favorite recipes.

Catelli is helping to inspire some great gluten free recipe sharing on social media using #GlutenFreeFridays. Does anyone else have some pasta switcheroos that they love to use in your favorite recipe? Make sure to share them on your social media and use the hashtag #GlutenFreeFridays! I can’t wait to see what you share!

Happy cooking everyone!


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Karlynn Johnston

I’m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. Margaret Harrison says

    SINCE I found your website, and the first recipe was man catching oven fried chicken. I HAVE HAD A VERY HAPPY PICKY CHICKEN EATER ON MY HANDS. LOVE THE RECIPES, NOW TRYING GLUTEN FREE. KEEP UP THE TASTY WORK!

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