While this Bacon,Walnut & Honey Brussels Sprouts recipe certainly isn’t the healthiest one I have one this website, it definitely is one of the most delicious. Bacon and Brussels sprouts go together like cream and coffee, like rainbows and unicorns, like popcorn and the movies. You get the idea. I wanted to take it a bit further and add in two of my favorite flavors, walnut and honey. Sweet honey is an often overlooked addition to vegetables and there are so many that benefit from it.
Do you remember my Honey & Curry Cauliflower? AMAZING.
It’s like Mary Poppins sang, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down and the same can certainly be said for honey and vegetables!
It’s amazing what happens when you add sweet taste to things and while I wouldn’t add sugar, some gorgeous, locally grown unpasteurized honey is absolutely beautiful on vegetables. Now, the bacon isn’t healthy but it’s a lovely indulgence once in a while, isn’t it? While I do love the bacon in it, this would also be a fabulous vegetarian dish if you simply left it out of the recipe. The walnuts and honey are perfect on their own paired with the Brussels sprouts.
There is just something that I love about how crispy Brussels sprouts get, almost like kale chips. The little leaves that fall off while you are cooking this and crisp right up are my favorite part, little vegetable chips in the middle of this dish.
Happy Cooking everyone! Thanks for stopping in!
Bacon, Walnut & Honey Brussels Sprouts
- 20-25 medium sized Brussels Sprouts washed trimmed and halved
- 4 slices bacon chopped small
- 1/3 cup walnuts
- 2 tablespoons melted honey
- Heat the bacon in a medium sized frying pan over medium heat until it starts sizzling.
- Place the Brussel Sprouts in the pan.
- Fry until they are seared brown on the outside and a little bit crispy and the bacon is almost done as well.
- Add in the walnuts and fry until they are toasted.
- Pour the melted honey over the top, stir until everything is coated and serve.
Cheryl says
Going to try this r3cipe tonight I love Brussel Sprouts
Alison says
Added 2 steps: rendered all the fat first, and a 1 cup of chi ken stock per # to soften up the sprouts after first sautee. Spectacular.
Laura says
These were good and we added water to help soften them up. Definitely going to make them again. A nice change of pace from making them with oil and garlic in a pan.
Michelke Rarick says
For someone with very little cooking experience was given loads of kudos for the delicious brussel sprouts dish at the family reunion a d no one said anything about unhealthy. If I can make this dish anyone can: simple, easy to understand, on-hand ingredients and flavourable for everyone to want to try, Even the skepticals on brussel sprouts and all not only lived it but wanted the receipt. Thank you for making my non store bought contribution a huge success! I will be forever grateful!
Mickey Lee 919
angela hammill says
this is flippin spectacular!!! just sayin,,,,
Raven Wanders says
This is the Costco maple syrup we get every year. Its also nicely boxed for gift giving\U0001f60a
Erika Boyer says
omg could this possibly be the dish that makes my family like veggies as much as me???
The Kitchen Magpie says
IT might just be! It’s pretty hard to resist the sweet and the salty!
Raven Wanders says
Ooo have you roasted with maple syrup yet? We buy this limited edition syrup from Costco ever winter and just use for roasting brussels\U0001f60a\U0001f60a
The Kitchen Magpie says
Oooh I’m going to have to watch Costco this winter for that syrup! I like maple syrup on them too!
Raven Wanders says
Ill post a pic when i get home\U0001f60a
BonnieLee Borcherding says
Oh I love Brussel Sprouts!
Jamie Gilbert says
We pan fry them with the onion and bacon or Pancetta