Scrabble on mobile phone

Because this is my blog and I can if I want to, I am going to post something so meaningless, so utterly unrelated to life, food or anything else I blather on about on this site that it’s a first.

And that’s saying something folks, because I post a lot of completely unrelated things.

I rarely play Scrabble, I don’t like rushed games and rarely do I have a peaceful interlude where my brain and I can just sit and become one with words.

Wednesday night, I became one with words.

The above picture is my IPod with my Scrabble game. I will most likely never repeat what I did, which was opening up with the word paladin, using all my letters and ending up with 76 points.

I have never had a 76 point word, that I can recall. Oh, they exist, for sure, but I cannot recall ever laying one down on the board myself.

The definition of paladin:

1.any one of the 12 legendary peers or knightly champions in attendance on Charlemagne.

2.any knightly or heroic champion.

3.any determined advocate or defender of a noble cause.

However. Would you like to know how exactly I know this word? It’s not due to knowing the above definitions. No, nothing as intellectual as that.

Any nerds I mean gamers no wait that’s the same thing people married to a man like Mike? One who loves to play WOW?

And here’s the real test, do you know what WOW stands for? And if you do, welcome to my world.

A paladin is a blasted character in the online game World of Warcraft. For years I have put up with this game and now it permeated my subconscious to the level that I know words that barely even exist in the English language.

I suppose though, that blasted game paid off. I raced outside to flaunt it to Mike – who always, ALWAYS I tell you, beats me at Scrabble- then proceeded to take a picture of it. Because that’s what I do.

I take pictures of everything then manage to write a post about Scrabble, World of Warcraft and teach you a new word.

I love you too.


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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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