the prisoner and police lego

Day three brings us to the first weekend of December.  And what, in my infinite wisdom, do I go and do?

Decide it’s a great day to head to Ikea!

close up of red lego monster

The great thing – and I mean this is better than any Christmas present if you ask me- is that Ikea was quiet. I mean walk-up-to-the-checkout type of quiet. I don’t know whether we caught a beautiful lull moment in the holiday craziness, but it was like angels sang.

To add to the beauty of the moment, my phone rang while we were in the middle of getting all of our purchases from the Aisles of Hell. You know, that huge warehouse at the end of Ikea that eats people? That one.

It happened to be my brother.

“ your Great Pie Party tonight?”

To which I answered negative.

“Oh. I totally thought it was tonight.”

Sigh. “Did you want to come over, Wyatt?”

“Yah, I’m kinda bored.”

At his utterance of those words, that surreal moment when all of your inner thoughts come to a crashing, beautiful, crystal clear clarity moment happened.

I looked at where I was.

I looked at the 7 boxes waiting to be put together.

I started shaking with the effort of holding in laughter. I will get this out. I will get this out. I can do this.

“Oh sure, come on over. We’re not doing anything. I’ll make spaghetti and meatballs. See you in an hour or two.”

I hung up the phone, told Mike and we proceeded to hold each other while we cried with laughter in the middle of Ikea. And then we laughed all the way home. Laughed while we stopped to get a case of beer to help ease the suffering and grease the goodwill gears, so to speak.

Laughed while we stacked it all in the middle of the sitting room to await him.

7 boxes stacked in the middle of the sitting room

And like the extremely good-natured fella that my brother is, he helped build.

And build.

And take apart. ( I did mention this was Ikea, right?)

And build again.

opening the seven boxes in the sitting room

I was ecstatic to find my kitchen stools – completely by accident since we went for tables for the sitting room- and they look so gorgeous in my kitchen. I have been looking for months, even before we moved in, because I knew that the main floor was going to be the entertaining area in our house. I wanted four beautiful, functional stools for company to sit on when we had people over and my children only eat at the kitchen island, it seems, unless it’s supper together as a family.

I had two lovely mismatched pairs of stools at my Halloween Open House in October but it only reaffirmed the fact how desperately I needed stools there. Everyone perched on them to talk to me as I fussed in the kitchen. Even when I wasn’t in the kitchen, guests would perch on the rather uncomfortable stools and talk to one another, completely ignoring the new couch mere steps away. There’s just something about the kitchen that draws people in.

I will be taking pictures for a house walk through post, I have been asked a few times about everything I have been putting in the new house. The only problem is that my house has to be clean for me to attain these pictures. The sitting room is such a work in progress, as you can see above there are no lamps, no pictures, nada. I’m working on it slowly but surely and having a great time spending Mike’s money on it.

I hope everyone had a fabulous Saturday, even with all the lovely snow we received here in Edmonton.

Did anyone get up to Christmas shopping? Were you crazy like me and ventured into those evil places that we shouldn’t on weekends, AKA West Edmonton Mall and South Edmonton Common? Otherwise known as the Depths of Hell and Satan’s Sweedish Workshop?

Did you survive?

Here’s to a fabulous day tomorrow!


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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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