The brand spankin’ new cabin that we stayed in, or I suppose condo would be the more appropriate term, was gorgeous.

Almost too good for us.

Beautiful laminate floors, wonderful new beds, a new kitchen complete with dishwasher,stove and fridge and a bathroom large enough to fit a whole family shaking out sand at the end of the day.

I didn’t get any pictures of the kitchen, how I don’t know, but here is the view from in it. The futon that pulls out, the table and tv and even the lovely dishes that were in the cupboards.

The door at the right of the tv leads to one of the two bedrooms.

room with a futon that pulls out, a tv, a table and dishes in the cupboards

The deck complete with the requisite barbeque that we used endlessly. You can see the other cabins, and tucked right between them is the coffee bar area.

man wearing black sleeveless shirt using the barbeque

The coffee bar where Sheldon puts on this yummy local organic coffee. What a great way to start the morning. You can pop over and grab some first thing when you wake up, and if you are feeling social, sit down at the table with the other campground people and chat. If social skills aren’t your thing in the morning, you can just head right bac

k to your cabin with a hot steaming coffee in hand.

That is completely my idea of roughing it. Freshly brewed organic coffee made for me in the morning.

I’m about ready to go back just for the coffee.

We musn’t forget the bathroom, which was wonderfully spacious and done in a beach decor that I loved.

a bathroom in beach decor

The backyard of our cabin. Bush. The pole you see is the other condo that takes up the back half, we plan on going back and sharing with friends, there is an adjoining door between the two condo units, perfect for friends or family to share.

The play structure that my children lived on.

If I didn’t see them, this is where they were.

In, around or on this thing. There were also bikes,scooters and skateboards for the kids. Mr K was in seventh heaven.

This was the best part of the camp

ground. There were chairs for adults to sit on and relax if you wanted to watch your kids and the coffee bar was right by there as well.

little girl in the play structure

This isn’t at the campground but a mere 3 minute walk up the road, you can get tasty ice cream treats. Their banana split is large enough for a family to share and  so delicious.

Walking for ice cream was an almost nightly ritual.

Unfortunately, the walk wasn’t long enough to burn off the calories of this sucker, but hey, that’s what vacations are for!

a serving of banana split

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. Blackbird says

    I was thinking about getting a banana split on my birthday this year instead of cake. The bottom photo is strong evidence I should.

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