close up of hanging purple rhinestone skulls

They do you know, suit me. Ask anyone who really knows me if purple rhinestone eyed skulls suit me, and they’ll roll their eyes backwards in their head, and say “ Um. Duh?” And that’ll be one of the more eloquent of my compadres.

I went to Micheal’s with coupon in hand to get something for me. You’ll see later on in the post how my house is being overrun by foam, and don’t worry, we brought more of that home too. But I wanted something pretty for Halloween, something  shiny n’ sparkly adult.

So adult was two  black candleholder with rocking purple rhinestone eyed skull dangling off the edges, and black candles with silver and rhinestone accents.

Do you notice the word rhinestone a lot in my post so far? Yah. There’s a reason I get called a magpie.  If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.

Anyways, I have a nice little adult corner of my own on my buffet. It ain’t Martha, but its allll mine. As if she grows her own pumpkins. Harummmph.

Granted, if I had her money, I’d pay someone to do it too.

large pumpkins and flowers on the buffet table near the window

And then on to the foam that is overtaking my house. Project by project, the insiduos fun of it slowly creeps in…then you realize you have no counterspace left….and you have no blooming idea what on earth you are going to do after Halloween is done and you have mountains of foam craft projects slowly falling apart.

But dang, are they FUN. And they are also on sale at Micheals for $4.99, at least the 3 larger ones we picked up. For three days in a row, the whole family has spent the evening at the kitchen table putting these together. Mom mans the glue gun, because oh my GAWD do NOT make these with the white glue that is suggested, not with younger kids who have absolutely zero tolerance for sliding decorations. Because they also have zilch tolerance for holding said decorations in place until the glue is tacky enough. Luckily a glue gun works just fine, they place it where they want it,  I glue it.

This one is my favorite, and I want to try and keep it in one piece to tuck away.

miniature of mummy in the grave with black fence and fire at the bottom

The crazy witches house.

miniature of colored violet and green crazy witches house

This one was really cool, and took the kids a long time. Bonus.

miniature of spooky tree with moon, pumpkins and coffin

We made a couple things as well, this one Mr K and Mike constructed, I love my little boy’s  RIP with the little dotted i, so cute!

close up miniature of coffin

Our one eyed cat with a totally messed up ear. He’s been in a lot of bar fights.

close up miniature of one eyed black cat

And the mass of the whole project, there’s a little wooden birdhouse in the back covered with white ghosts, that started the whole craze. It was some random Goodwill wooden house to put together, and then we decided we needed to paint it black and make it spooky, and then we went to the craft store, and now I  have no counter space. And a couple more foam project still awaiting construction.

all miniature projects on top of the wooden table

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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