When perusing the Edmonton Journal online today, relaxing with a Tim’s after enjoying the whirlwind that is Shumka (post to come later of course) I noticed a title on the front page:

Edmonton financial planner is one versatile foodie.

You literally have to be living under a virtual foodie rock in Edmonton, or have never read my blog – and in that case, what’s wrong with you?- to not figure out exactly who this financial planner is.

I have mentioned and linked to him a few times and had a few pictures I was going to post anyways, so this is a nice segue into posting about him without looking like a stalker.

I know. Other people have no problem posting about foodies around town. I feel like a stalker. Not that it prevents me from doing so, I just feel uh, odd.

Anyways, I digress, the man of the hour would be Mr Kevin Kosswan.

The article is great, click on the title of it way above and go have a read and then you should really visit his blog and also read, it’s full of everything from fascinating experiments (check out the post about the raunchiest cheese ever ,I think it removed a layer of my tooth enamel when I tried it) to detailing his recent foray into cold frames.

And here are some picture from when we visited.

That would be Kevin himself carving up the amazing pronghorn that he served.

At his daughter’s 4th birthday.

Yah. It’s that kind of awesome.

Luckily for me, our female offspring hit it off immensely – they were planning where they were going to college together, right after they wore matching balloon-print pants and took over the world- so we popped over last Sunday to celebrate.

I’m just going to put it out there and say that I am not even going to host any birthday parties anymore, I’ll just send my kids over to Kevin and Pam’s and let them do it.

man in the kitchen wearing an apron and preparing something

Homemade apple wine – before noon, that is MY kinda party- with cheese and bread followed by the amazing pronghorn and greens with a bacon, I do believe, vinaigrette.

The cantelope, as my kids like to call them, is the dark meat on the plate below.

Please don’t think I was polite and only have one piece, I ended up eating three.

white plate with cantelope, pronghorn and greens with a bacon

So after a lovely couple of hours involving food, wine, the realization that I eerily and creepily just picked out all the same wall colors and kitchen cabinetry as they have in their house, even though they have never “formally” had me over before (stalker much Karlynn?)  and the requisite pinata hilarity that comes with all children’s birthday parties, we took our leave, me somewhat forlornly as Mike wouldn’t let me stuff my purse full of leftovers.

He made up for it by giving me the funniest quote I have ever heard, one that made me snort coffee out of my nose while were were driving home, and I will leave you with it.

” When Kevin brought in that skewer of meat from the BBQ, he replaced Mike Holmes as my man crush, briefly.”

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. Co123321 says

    I gain so much knowledge from this website. I also bookmark it for further knowledge. I like this post. I appreciate the great blog you have.

  2. Chris Lori says

    Typical kitchens before World War I used freestanding work tables and a pantry for dry storage. Cupboards were sometimes used in kitchens, though in larger houses dishes were more typically stored in the dining room or butler’s pantry. Perishable foods such as milk, meat, and vegetables were purchased daily.

  3. Kevin says

    Oh, how I laughed. I’ve got nothing on Mike Holmes – esp if you’re about to build a house…

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