I have been waiting a couple weeks for this very moment.
The moment I could pop into the Choklat store in the Inglewood area of Calgary and choose a couple of decadent chocolate bars.
A friend of mine and his family had discovered this place and sent me the link to their website. I suggest you go and check it out yourself to learn about how they make their own chocolate.
Choklat is one of two chocolatiers in all of Canada that makes their chocolate from scratch from cocoa beans that they import themselves, while other chocolatiers buy their chocolate in bulk and melt it down to create their confections.
I bought two bars, the Cuyagua 70% and Brazailian 80% dark to try.
Let me ‘splain why only two.
No, there is too much.
Let me sum up. (name the movie that bastardized quote is from!)
- 3:45 in the afternoon after a full day at the zoo.
- Three cranky kids but two women who really wanted this chocolate, mere minutes away from aforementioned zoo.
- Finally find the place, turn around after missing it and park in front.
- Listen in disbelief when cashier tells you at 3:30 the lane is no parking
- Say “screw it gimme these two kinds please, and fast!”
- See parking enforcement pull up behind my minivan
- Throw money at cashier, and drag children out
- Apologize profusely to parking officer and lay down my ace “I’m from out of town” card
- Want to kiss parking officer when he tells you it’s OK since he just saw us park and haul the kids out.
- Thank him profoundly from the bottom of my chocolate lovers heart for not ticketing me since kissing him might land me a ticket after all.
So I will be going back, that was far too hurried an experience for my liking. But here’s a little chocolate striptease for you….
..don’t want to show all the goods at once….
Oooooh, there’s a corner now… I even teased myself because I really wanted to know the pattern on the top.
Oh my.
Almost too pretty to eat.
When it comes to chocolate, there’s no such thing as too pretty to eat.
Now, I am not a chocolate expert, but for the first time in my life, I understand the concept of “fruity undertones” in chocolate.
I got a distinct raisin (perhaps apricot like the label said) and slight honey taste out of my smidge of chocolate.
The large amount of cocoa butter lends it this smooth, silky texture that melts in your mouth.
The flavor only gets better the longer you savor the chocolate, this is not a crunch and chew bar, you have to roll it around your mouth like you might a fine wine, to get all the flavors. (wait, that sounded rather foodie of me. Tres weird.)
I cannot believe this is a 70% cocoa bar, there is not a hint of bitter to it, it’s smooth and not dry, utterly amazing.
I can’t wait to try the 80%!
The 70% was $7.49 and the 80% was $9.99. All the prices can be found on their website. You can also pre-order and custom design all the truffles you could possible want.
They were out of the one I wanted to try, the rarest beans to be found, so I am going to call and see when they will have more bars made.
I also want to take some pictures of the outside and inside to show everyone as well as try a few truffles, dang it! Or brownies, or ‘smores……
I will be back this week before I head home. Anyone who wants to put their orders in, better do it now!
Ally says
This looks fantastic! Have you added the review to Fiddme yet?
Frimmy says
PS: nice chocolate strip tease, btw. =)
Frimmy says
Princess Bride! The best movie in the world, that’s all.
Real Canadian made chocolate and so close to me?! I’m checking it out asap!