Signage of Crave and Science Calgary

The irony of the photo above is that if you take 5 children to the sign on the left…..

You are in dire need of some sugar therapy from the sign on the right.

The irony of these two signs was not lost on me.

I spent 4 hours at the Science Center, the massively messy, convoluted wreck that it now is. Yes, that is a slightly bitter tone to my writing voice, if one can impart bitter through type.

The Titanic exhibit is truly amazing, to see artifacts from the actual ship, photos and lore of the most famous ship alive was worth it.

Not being able to get anywhere in that place was not worth it.

Want the cafeteria? Good luck with that.

Washrooms? Get directions and walked straight there.

Get yelled at many times because you were holding a bottle of water near the Titanic exhibit, even though to get to the washrooms, children’s museum or cafe you have to cross parts of it. It was a little frazzling to take two steps then have to pack up 4 year’s old sippy cups, my water bottle, everything out of sight just to take 6 more steps to get somewhere else.

I understand, I do. I know how fragile everything is and what a treasure is there.

But holy what a mess.

Another word of warning is that if you leave all your coats in the lockers at the front, you have to go through the entire exhibit backwards to go out the same door.

So by the time the children are done, and little ones will most surely be done after the exhibit then playing at the Children’s  Museum, you have to drag them through the Titanic exhibit backwards.

I think when I asked how we got back to the beginning and was told to go through the exhibit again my jaw (and water bottle) hit the floor.

Thanks for just  that 5 more minutes of punishment.

So a stop at Crave that has been planned, had now become set in stone.

Oh oh oh, did I have three excited children, my nephew came along for the ride as well.

kids looking to the cupcake displays

My son chose these….

close up of nutty over chocolate cupcake

My nephew one of these, because his favorite color is green…

lemon lime twist cupcake with green icing on top

My daughter chose the pink strawberry one and the rest were to share at home with the other adults for dessert.

six pieces of cupcakes with different flavors

Dark, moist and delicious, the chocolate in this cupcake was very close to my favorite cake recipe. Dense and decadent, I was very surprised at how much I enjoyed it.

chocolate cupcake in a glass topped with mint icing and shredded chocolates

The strawberry icing was lovely on this one.

chocolate cupcake with strawberry icing on top

The lime icing was good if you are a fan, but it wasn’t my favorite.

cupcake with lime icing

All in all, I thought the chocolate cupcakes were great, but the icing was just too much for me. Did I really just say that?

I think the mini’s are more my style, the icing doesn’t overpower them. We actually shared three cupcakes between 4 adults, with pieces left over, and that was perfect. Quartering them was the way to go, instead of tackling a whole one at once.

Wanna know what floated MY boat?

The Whoopie Pies!

We all know I am on a slight kick, every since trying out my Easter Bunny Whoopie  Pie pan, to make some of these myself and find great recipes for them.

So of course I had to check out Crave’s new Whoopie Pies.

Red Velvet? Yum.

Chocolate with Raspberry buttercream?

To. Die. For.

That was my favorite of all the treats I picked up from Crave, the chocolate cake is perfect and the raspberry was a great foil for flavor.

Two Pieces of Whoopie Pies - Strawberry and Chocolate Flavored

Definitely delicious and now for cupcake lovers there IS one in Edmonton to visit at 7929 104 Street Edmonton.

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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