Step One.
Find an old farm truck in the middle of the pasture and a horse.
Step Two.
Throw the kids in the back of the farm truck so they can pet the horse.
Step three.
Half-heartedly watch the kids pet the horse.
Step four.
Melt into a big puddle of mush.
Check and…check.
Step five.
Wonder why your son is spazzing out.
Phhht. City boy.
Step Six.
Feel sorry for one tired out horse. It’s hard being fat n’ lazy all day by yourself, then putting up with kids petting you.
Step Seven.
Frantically call husband and ask “Do the kids vaccination cards have tetanus on them???”
Citified mom who forgets she had 20 rusty nail puncture wounds by the age of 11, with nary a lockjaw to be seen.
No child nor horse was harmed in the creating of this post. And my children have their tetanus shots.
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