Last night I made chicken noodle soup with dill. Oh, the memories it brought back of my Grandma’s kitchen! Why is soup one of those foods that seems to not only warm our bellies but our souls? Is it because we usually have it when the weather is awful and we need cheering up? Or simply because there’s nothing like the feeling of hot food warming you up, like a warm towel after a bath?
I equate a good, warm bowl of soup to flannel blankets on your bed in the wintertime. There’s seriously nothing like warm flannel sheets in the winter. This is yet another memory that has to do with my Grandma. Not only did she have the most glorious, hand-sewn (by her!) flannel sheets on all the beds in her house, she also sewed us pillowcases when we were children. I have two very coveted flannel pillowcases that she sewed and gave to me when I was in my 20’s.They are flowered and out of style, but aside from the “Mr” and “Mrs” embroidered pillowcases she gave me for my wedding, they are the most treasured pillowcases in my house!
Speaking of treasured, I’m going to pull my Favorite Five out of my soups archive to give you all some inspiration for warming your belly this fall.
First of all, my curried pumpkin soup.While this isn’t a crockpot soup, oh, there is just something about curry and pumpkin! You know me, anything with those ingredients makes me swoon!
Next is my spicy lentil and bean soup. This soup was featured in the local newspaper here a couple of years ago,indeed, I think it was my first one ever in the paper! So not only does it have a special memory with it, it’s hearty, healthy and the kids love it!
Beans beans, the magical fruit, the more you eat, the healthier you are!
I know. It drives the kids nuts when I say that as well. They think I am SO not funny, I get the eye rolls and ” Mooooom!” Ah, my children, my sense of humor is just going to get worse the older I get.
However, beans are a fabulous protein choice and most of my soups incorporate a legume of some sort. My Six Ingredient Black Bean Soup is so easy, most people have the ingredients on hand in their cupboards already and it’s healthy to boot.
One of my newest soup recipes has now become a top five favorite for us. My Butternut Squash, Lentil and Coconut Curry Soup is killer. Just so freaking tasty. Who knew that lentils and squash could be pureed into a divinely decadent soup? It’s also vegan since you use coconut milk and no milk products at all. Who knew vegan could taste so good?
Let’s get on to the not-so healthy, shall we? Oh man. My Cheesy Bacon and Potato Soup is a winner. I made it for a friend who loved a certain restaurants potato soup and wanted to recreate it at home. She told me what was in it and I created my own version. Mine is apparently better, which makes sense because it’s full of everything evil.
This is the devil’s comfort food.
Tonight finds us running around like chickens with our heads chopped off. Piano straight after school, followed by going back to the school for Parent Teacher night, followed by dinner out then home to pack up the kids for their first weekend camp with Cubs!
I’m trying not to be a helicopter mom. I really am. But they are gone for two nights! They’ve only ever stayed over at their Grandparents!
I will not obsess. I will not helicopter parent. I will resist the urge to get them implanted with a GPS device.
They will have a great time. Right?
The Trying To Convince Herself Not To Overparent Magpie
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