I am back from the New Food Judging contest at KDays here in Edmonton, Alberta (our big carnival/food/games/rides exhibition that comes every July) and now I am out camping. Drink in hand, I was reviewing the day in my mind and thought to myself. “Self, you should really write up something quickly about the new food at KDays.”

And since we all know that drinking and writing goes together like corndogs and ketchup, here I am, compiling my list of my top five picks forĀ Five Foods That You Should Eat At KDays 2014! First, my drink, because I know that you are all closet drinkers that love living vicariously through me.

Don’t deny it. I see all your retweets, your Facebook comments and your Instagram likes. The internet doesn’t lie people and it’s your fault I abuse my liver so. IntroducingĀ the White Leprechaun. Whiskey, Kahlua and cream. Recipe soon.

A glass of White Leprechaun - Whiskey, Kahlua and Cream

Drinks aside I had a fabulous time judging the K Days New Food Contest. I almost always say yes to judging food events because I always:

a) Run into someone I know

b) Meet new people

c) Get to eat awesome food. C is really why I do it, friends and new friendships aside.

This time I was able to judge with Adam, from the Unknown Studio.Ā Ā He’s kinda funny and I totally grossed him out by picking a scorpion leg out of my teeth and showing him. I put the a$$ in class, ladies and gentleman.

Why on earth do they keep inviting me to these events? I think it’s because of my good looks, to be honest.

man in checkered polo shirt and woman wearing cowboy hat sitting with a studio set up at the back

The first thing on our menu was one of my favorites:

A pulled pork “sundae”. I was surprised how much I liked this! It was a little meal in a cup with delicious pulled pork. One cup and you are full, that’s for sure!

little meal in a cup with delicious pulled pork

My absolute favorite of the day, bacon and maple syrup mini doughnuts. There is a puddle of syrup at the bottom, make sure to dredge your doughtnuts through it! So. Good!

bacon and mini doughnuts with puddle of syrup at the bottom

The winner of the New Foods Contest : the Angry Birds Candy Apple. It was actually really delicious! Again, I’m not a fan of candy apples but the caramel and the icing used were really tasty, the apple was fresh and I can see this being a hit with the kids. And adults like me.

Angry Birds Candy Apple in a white plate

Wait, did I say that the mini dougnuts were my favorite? No no no. I lied. The deep-fried cookie dough was FREAKING AMAZING.

Melted cookie batter inside a deep-fried shell. Again, this one surprised me. I knew I’d like it, but not that I would love it.

So melty. So good.

melted cookie batter inside a deep-fried shell

Almost as good as the others is the deep-fried butter which is basically a biscuit with the butter inside. I enjoyed them a lot and they are definitely something you should try!

pieces of deep-fried cookie dough in a checkered red linen

Yes, I know this is #6. However.

Dudes, if I can take a bite of this scorpion pizza, soĀ can you. This is for the thrill seekers – of which I am most certainly not!- and it did sell out at the Calgary Stampede! Mealworms, crickets and scorpions are all options.

This is how I got the scorpion leg stuck in my teeth. Use your imagination.

a slice of scorpion pizza in a white plate

Speaking of that pizza, Rick Lee from our local radio station Sonic 102.9 was out as emceeĀ – one of those new friends thanks to food events, he keeps showing up wherever I go..but I guess he’s pretty cute as far as stalkers goĀ – and they fed him pizza.

This one had whole crickets on it. Don’t let his face fool you, the crazy man was ENJOYING it. Ā UGH!

man eating a slice of scorpion pizza


Seriously, thanks to K Days for having me back, I truly do love judging food events, they are so much fun. Also a bonus: I left Mike at home packing for the lake today while I gallivanted about. Am I smart or am I smart! I rigged that perfectly!

Happy Friday my loves! Have a fabulous weekend! Who is going to K Days?

Who’s going to try that scorpion pizza?

Who’s in for the cookie dough?

Love you more than that deep fried cookie dough,


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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. sbabij says

    Oh wow!  Scorpion pizza?  Oy!  I dont think I would have been brave enough šŸ™‚  Sounds like a delicious variety of items to try! 

  2. suzymiller66 says

    KitchenMagpie KDaysyeg so going to try the angry bird apple it looks so great.

    • thekitchenmagpie says

      @suzymiller66   It was pretty yummy! Like I said, I’m not a candy apple girl but it was good!

    • KitchenMagpie says

      suzymiller66 KDaysyeg It was pretty yummy! Like I said, I’m not a candy apple girl but it was good!

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