Flapper Pie & A Blue Prairie Sky – My Cookbook is Ready to Order!

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Flapper Pie & A Blue Prairie Sky - Cookbook

I’m not sure if you’ve heard yet, but I realized that I haven’t done an official announcement post about my first cookbook, Flapper Pie & a Blue Prairie Sky being ready to pre-order!

I made the announcement on Facebook, I made the announcement on Twitter, I even made sure to put up the photo of the cover on the side bar —–> so that you can all pre-order it, but I haven’t talked about it here!

Every part of this whole book journey has been a fabulous time. Sure, there were times when I felt worried and stressed out, mainly about if you are all going to like the recipes that I chose. There are 125 recipes in Flapper Pie & a Blue Prairie Sky and let me tell you, other than the Flapper Pie recipe, I stressed out about the other 124.

Here’s the pie that started it all, the classic Flapper pie recipe.

A slice of Flapper Pie in a white plate


The description from Amazon is pretty bang on.

Old-fashioned favorites are paired alongside modern reimaginings in this nostalgic debut baking book from Karlynn Johnston of The Kitchen Magpie. Suitable for bakers of all skill levels and featuring over 125 delicious recipes, Flapper Pie and a Blue Prairie Sky is destined to become a much-loved addition to any family kitchen.
This timeless collection of sweet treats combines long-forgotten classics with deliciously revamped recipes. Learn how to bake time-honored desserts like Saskatoon Berry Pie, Grandma Marion’s Honey Cookies, and No-Bowl Chocolate Vinegar Cake — then, jazz things up with their modern twists: White Chocolate Saskatoon Galette, a Stuffed Skillet Cookie, and Root Beer Float Cupcakes. And, of course, there’s the recipe that started it all: the (almost) lost prairie favorite, Flapper Pie. When Karlynn first posted this recipe on her blog, The Kitchen Magpie, it went viral, drawing enthusiastic and sentimental responses from people reminiscing about their childhood and family food memories.
An approachable book for all skill levels, Flapper Pie and a Blue Prairie Sky covers everything you need to know about being a modern-day old-fashioned baker: how to set up your kitchen and stock your pantry, and tips for handling tricky techniques like making pie dough and releasing a cake from the pan. The recipes cover everything from cakes to candies, doughnuts to dainties, and pies to puddings, with the same gorgeous photography that has made The Kitchen Magpie a go-to blog for passionate home bakers.
As Karlynn writes in the introduction, “I was raised with the knowledge that food is love, family, tradition and the focal point of any occasion.” This book is a delicious demonstration of Karlynn’s wisdom — an instant classic to be shared through the generations.

Flapper Pie in a Pyrex pie plate

What it doesn’t say is what an emotional book this was to write. There are times when I cried big, fat, ploppy tears. Not from stress, but from sheer emotion. There is a lot of my family history in this book and I’m sad beyond measure that my Grandma’s aren’t both here to see this book. I know when I hold it in my hands for real, I’ll cry again. It’s very possible that I’ll tear up almost every time I look through the pages, and that’s ok.

Flapper Pie & a Blue Prairie Sky was a beautiful thing to write. It’s also an amazing thing to get something real to all of you, my readers, that have been able to make this happen. Without you, I’m just a little Prairie girl with a blog. With you – along with you because you’re on this crazy ride too- this website has become my full-time job. I’ve turned into a cookbook author.

I was, thanks to all of you, a Hot New Release.

Don’t even ask, of COURSE I CRIED.

Flapper Pie & A Blue Prairie Sky Cook Book in the Amazon Hot New Releases List

And then this?

This is what I saw beside my book. We were looking for the link when we were building the new website and when I went to the page for my book.

That #1 New Release badge. I was #1 in confectionary desserts on AMA-FREAKING-ZON.

Hot. Damn.

You’d cry too.

Flapper Pie & A Blue Prairie Sky Cook Book Amazon Details

Those ratings ebb and flow, so at this very moment the book isn’t #1,  so I’m pretty sure God just went ahead and said Karlynn, go look RIGHTNOW and YOUSCREENSHOTTHATANDKEEPIT.

So now we wait, until October 26th, 2016. Then Flapper Pie & a Blue Prairie Sky will be thrust out into the daylight, blinking after being in the dark at the presses for so long. She’s going to be wrapped up and sent out to oh-so many corners of North America, I’ve heard from SO many of you that have pre-ordered already. Here’s hoping she receives a warm welcome, as she’s pretty near and dear to my heart. I’m sure you’ll love her as much as I do. (I hope. There goes that panic and worry again. Sigh. What if no one loves her like I do?)

If you want to pre-order it now, you can order it here : Flapper Pie & a Blue Prairie Sky OR click the photo on the side of my website.

I will definitely be coming to visit as many of you as I can and you all need to let me know where you are and who’d like to come. I actually have a phone call with my publicist next week and we are hashing out my book tour. So hang in there, I am sure I will have a schedule coming up soon!

The best part of this is going to be meeting all of you, finally, after years of online love. I think we’ve online dated long enough, it’s time for our first date! <3

Love you guys more than chocolate,





Learn to cook like the Kitchen Magpie

A Very Prairie Christmas Bakebook

Vintage Baking to Celebrate the Festive Season!

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a copy of Flapper Pie cook book

Flapper Pie and a Blue Prairie Sky

A Modern Baker’s Guide to Old-Fashioned Desserts

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The Prairie Table

Suppers, Potlucks & Socials: Crowd-Pleasing Recipes to Bring People Together

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Karlynn Johnston

I’m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

Learn more about me

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  1. LauraTFrey says

    Can’t wait to meet you in person. We need to talk about how you created my Pyrex addiction haha.

    • thekitchenmagpie says

      Lol Laura!!! I can’t wait to meet you too! I’m so excited to meet as many of you guys as possible!!

  2. Joan Gerwing says

    Let me know when u r in Saskatoon as I wld love an autographed book

  3. Debbie Semeniuk says

    Edmonton, can you include it in your itinerary? 🙂

    • The Kitchen Magpie says

      I’m pretty sure we will start here at home!

  4. Corene Hawley says

    Ordered my copy. Hope to see you in Surrey, B.C.

    • The Kitchen Magpie says

      I’m sure I will be out that way!! At least in Vancouver, for sure!

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