mickey mug inside the new glass cupboards

Sometimes a post will just come out of nowhere, a random thought snatched out of my fuzzy brain at any given time, the proverbial lightbulb going off and *ping* I think to myself. “Self, you could write a post about this.”

Others follow a very traceable chain of events such as the one tonight.

I posted on my Facebook page as my status :” If I don’t order furniture soon, the echoing on the main floor is going to drive us nuts. Seriously. It’s SO weird at supper!”

If you aren’t following me on my page then you are missing amazing jewels of knowledge such as that one. How could you possibly expect to sleep tonight not knowing my exact thoughts on my echoing main floor?

Right as soon as I posted that my second cousin Mary-Anne posted “Hey, what plates did you end up buying?

Reminding me of yet another treasure of a conversation that I had going on with everyone on my Facebook page. I have been trying to figure out what dishes to buy as they will be prominently on display in my new glass cupboards. That was a dang fun conversation with a ton of lovely people chiming in on what to buy.

And my oh-so savvy reply was “Uhh. None?”

Which then led me to reminisce about the very first thing that I placed in my new cupboards. I have a love of coffee mugs stemming from my love of coffee because really, there is no point to loving coffee mugs if you aren’t going to use them as intended. The love is so much purer, deeper, when you use it as God intended. Full of fabulous, life-invigorating caffeine.

My honey bunny decided that going to Anaheim the week before moving was a very good idea and I whole heartedly agreed.  How else was I going to get my lobster rug if he didn’t make a trip to the States for it?

Because Mike’s flight got in right as soon as the kids were out of school on our exact possession day, we all decided to meet at the house for the very first time as a family. Children are not allowed on the walk-throughs when you build- for very good safety reasons – so the kids hadn’t seen anything except what they viewed through the windows and from the pictures I showed them. I have an adorable video of the kids exploring the new house for the first time which warms my heart every time I watch it. Memories like that are beautiful, their giddy excitement, choosing which room was theirs, moments like those are ones you will never forget.

So we convened.

We exulted.

The kids ran around like crazies in an echo filled, empty house.

And we opened our presents from Mike because it was, after all, a celebration of sorts. Plus we have no patience whatsoever.

And I decided then and there that the very first thing I put in my new cupboards would be the mug he brought back for me. Again, one of those moments that you don’t forget, the excitement over him remembering how much I love my coffee mugs, the smooch I gave him in thanks and then feeling very sentimental and emotional about everything going on, placing it in the cupboards as the very first thing.

Sure, it’s cheesy and emotional but that’s how I roll. And for the past two weeks, and hopefully forever, every time I use it for my coffee or my gaze simply falls upon that Minnie mug up in that cupboard, I am reminded of that special day with him and our children.

white glass cupboards

My son also like to commemorate special occasions by requesting I take pictures of him dramatically enacting his excitement over the toy Daddy brought him. Can’t! You! Tell! He’s! EXCITED!!!

a boy enacting his excitement over the toy

The girlie too, with her baby Bambi Daddy brought her back. She requested it. Waited for it. Saw Baby Bambi on the webcam in Anaheim where he said Hello! with daddy and simply could not wait to get her arms around that cute little bundle of Bambi. She may not express it as dramatically as her brother- few do- but she was a happy girl sitting on the lobster rug with her new toy.

little girl sitting in the carpet holding her baby Bambi Daddy stuff

But all this lovely reminiscing brings me back full circle to the fact that I still do not have dishes for the new cupboards. I am wishy-washing back and forth, looking online and in store and still not making a decision. I’ve bought some and returned them because they just weren’t “them”. I have almost given up for a while and hope that the right dishes will just find their way to me.

Because when it comes down to it, how could any of them compare to my little Minnie mug anyways?


The I’m Just A Sentimental Fool Magpie


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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. Lori says

    SWOON! Your house is DIVINE! GORGEOUS, lovely. And your romance thaws the ice in my heart…*Joking* Nothing is thawing that bad boy. But your taste is divine, your children are beautiful, and you my friend are a in a league all of your own!
    Congradulations. Now, mail me cake. Hummingbird. Vegan style.
    kisses and love from the South. Again.

  2. Amy S. says

    I didn’t see the discussion on FB, but I wanted to chime in with my two cents. Have you checked out the Fiestaware dishes? I have the orange and green, and they are sooooo pretty and lovely, and make me happy every time I use them.

  3. Sara DeLeeuw says

    I love mugs and coffee too! What a wonderful post. Thank you so much for sharing!! Beautiful things will come to those cupboards, I wish you well in finding your perfect dishes!

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