There are two things, no, make that three very important things about this post and this recipe.
1) Why have I never thought about putting Pepperidge Farm® Goldfish crackers in my cookies before? There are SUCH amazing sweet treat flavors! Every time we are in the United States, I load up on flavors that aren’t available here in Canada. We are lucky that now we can get the Vanilla Cupcake Goldfish Grahams here in Canada just about everywhere!
2) Why have I never thought about sending Wet Ones® Singles with my kids to school before? We seriously use Wet Ones all year round in the wintertime. I keep packages in the truck and as soon as the kids leave school, they’re disinfecting their hands so they can have a snack on the way home. I use them all the time when shopping, touching gas pumps or debit machines, because all it took was one Christmas of getting sick with strep throat, the flu and a cold all in the span of 4 weeks from shopping to make me a convert. This may be just a personal anecdote, but we honestly have never been healthier since I started interspersing Wet Ones between hand washing. We’ve gone two winters with barely a cold to be seen in our house. My truck literally has no less than three packages at a time. What could be better than Wet Ones Singles in the kids lunches to help with the onslaught of kids germs this September? The kids can clean their hands (and Wet Ones get rid of 99.9% of germs) so they can enjoy their delicious lunch that I packed and I can stop worrying about all the germs that come with the start of school.
3) I am so sad that I have to make school lunches again after a year of homeschooling. Oh my word. Please make it stop.
When the opportunity came up to think of a neat recipe to use with Goldfish crackers I knew that it would be a sweet one. For some reason, baking them into a chocolate chip cookie was the first thing that popped into my head.
It was a good thing that it did, because these are some amazing cookies! The Vanilla Cupcake Goldfish crackers stay nice and crisp, adding a sweet vanilla crunch to the soft chocolate chip cookie.
Of course, they also couldn’t be cuter!
To go with the back to school theme, there is a fabulous sweepstake going on called Wish I Had Wet Ones in My Lunchbox. You can check out there website here for more information and to see how you can participate. The sweepstakes runs from 7/5/15 – 9/7/15.
Now on to the recipe! You can use any of the sweet flavors of Goldfish grahams in these chocolate chip cookies, I just happen to love Vanilla Cupcake Goldfish grahams the best.
Happy Baking and Happy Back to School Everyone! Let’s all try to survive together!
Pepperidge Farm® Goldfish Crackers Chocolate Chip Cookies
- 2 1/4 cups of all purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 cup of butter
- 1 cup of packed brown sugar
- 1/2 cup of granulated sugar
- 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
- 2 eggs
- 2 cups of chocolate chips
- 1 bag Vanilla Cupcake Goldfish Crackers
- Whisk together dry ingredients in a medium sized bowl and set aside.
- In a mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugars together completely with a stand mixer paddle attachment or beaters, until light brown and airy.
- After creaming together your butter and sugar, beat in the two eggs and vanilla.
- Add the dry ingredients all at once and mix slowly but thoroughly.
- Add in the chocolate chips and mix by hand until they are mixed through the batter evenly.
- Roll (yes the batter is stick!y!) into golf ball sized cookies and place onto parchment lined cookie sheets. Press down slightly. Press 3 or 4 Goldfish Crackers into the top.
- Bake in a 350 degree oven for 10-11 minutes, until they are just browned and slightly under baked. If you over bake, they won’t be chewy!
- Cool on sheets completely.
Heather Pollock says
What grades /schools are they going to?
Heather Cushing says
Andrea Purvis, I imagine all the kids would like these!
The Kitchen Magpie says
No, this year they are heading back to school. We think then the year AFTER we will pull them out again, when my book comes out, so we can travel!
Heather Pollock says
I thought your kids were homeschooling??