close up of a little boy wearing yellow jacket

Happy 8th birthday to my first baby, the little soul responsible for making me a mother eight years ago today. I can’t believe that 8 years have passed already.

I am amazed how blessed I feel on a daily basis to be your Mom, that you have been given to me in this journey called life, to guide you, love you and enjoy all the little moments life has to offer us.

little boy wearing red shirt holding a slice of watermelon

Thank you for making me proud every day that you are such a caring, good soul to other people around you.

I love that you have become this amazingly compassionate little boy who recently realized one day that yes, parents have feelings too. Your sister will get there when she’s your age too. Thanks for all the hugs and the little ways you try to make every day better for your family.

little boy near the lake water holding a string with a fish in it

I love when your Dad turns to you and rolls his eyes jokingly and says “You are SO like your Mom!” every time your nose is in a book and you haven’t heard a word that he’s said. I am excited that you share my adoration of literature and you have grown to love reading some of the same stories as I.  I have never been happier than when you discovered Harry Potter and you can now geek out with your Mom.

little boy wearing a Harry Potter costume

I love that you have reached the age where we really have started to talk. Some of my favorite moments of the day are when you are perched on your stool in the kitchen having your bedtime snack, just you and I talking while Daddy puts your sister to bed.

I think your sense of humor is hilarious. I love that you are starting to get the nuances and undertones of humor in conversations and that little snort you let out when you’ve understood something that Daddy and I have said makes me giggle.

little boy standing beside the pinball machine

I love that you have my big, brown eyes and my Ukrainian nose.

I look forward to seeing what the age of 8 brings you and can’t wait to spend it with you. But do me a little favor and stop growing so fast please. My heart breaks just a little bit more every birthday that rolls around. Slow it down just a little bit, please.

And remember that you told me you’d always give me snuggles, even when you’re a teenager. I’m holding you to that promise, kiddo.

I’ll love you forever buddy,


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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. alisthebest says

    I dont even know my mother but I wish she is like you

  2. Karlynn says

    Apparently I’m just going to spend the entire day all teary-eyed. <3

  3. Mike Johnston says

    Sniff.. ;-(

    My thoughts:


    You make me so proud every day. You are an amazing little man. Thank you for wanting to wrestle with me so much (but take it easy on your old man, you’re getting strong!).

    I love that you are so much like your mom, because she’s my best friend and the love of my life and definitely someone you should be shooting to model yourself after. I love that you always want to make sure everyone is not sad and that you still want snuggles and hugs (please don’t ever stop wanting them).

    I love tousling your hair and your super passion for gaming and computers like your dad.

    Don’t ever stop being my boy and thank you for being so patient with your mom and dad.

    I love you Mr K,


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