a box of kitchen aid mixture with glass bowl

Just a peek (har de har har, get it? I’m peeking over the box?? It’s funny, no?) at the main part of my KitchenAid from Heaven Christmas. I have been longing for a KitchenAid mixer, and of course, because I am the Queen of Champagne-Tastes-on-a-Beer-Budget, I have never bought the one I actually wanted. Because of course, the ones I want are not the base models that run around $200. Nope. If there is one thing I can admit to, it’s that I have expensive tastes. It’s genetic. I can walk into a store and immediately go to the most expensive object and want it. So for a mixer too, I wanted expensive.

And this year KitchenAid  came out with a beautiful cherry red 90th Anniversary edition with a glass bowl.

It’s the glass bowl that sold me on it, it’s beautiful.

So my wonderful and generous parents decided that I must have been their favorite daughter this year, naturally, and bought it for me.

And there’s more to come. But I am not home, and won’t unpack anything until I am in my own kitchen and ready to devote an entire cupboard to my third and most loved child new mixer.

But now she needs a name.

Any suggestions forthcoming from the peanut gallery that the internet is?

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Karlynn Johnston

I’m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. Karlee says

    That’s a good idea. I just jumped right in with both feet. I figured I’d learn as I went. But loving it! I use the manual setting on it now after taking my first photography class…soooo much to learn. I don’t really understand what I’m doing, but I get the results I want. Now to just understand the technical part more. Although our wedding photographer told me it’s not important. LOL

    I’ve just bought my first prime lens…now I can only zoom by foot but the pictures I am much happier with than with my zoom. I even pick expensive hobbies…LOL

  2. Karlee says

    Only the best of us Urbanoski Ladies!

    Have you signed up for your photography class yet? I’ve signed up for one again starting January 22nd. What kind of camera do you shoot with?

  3. Karlynn says

    No, the class I wanted was full. I shoot with a Canon G10, and it has the manual settings so I can learn before moving on to an SLR, but I wanted to see what I can do with IT before moving on, if at all. It’s an amazing point and shoot, I love it.

  4. Karlynn says

    We get it from Grandma Kay, she set the standard for expensive taste. Dad always tells me I am exactly like her whenever I want something costly 😉

  5. Karlee says

    Awesome! It must be an Urbanoski thing! I always like the most expensive too! The Kitchen Aid I want is at Williams Sonoma and it’s copper! It’s gorgeous!

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