three large pumpkins and a fat black cat on top of table near the window

I must be out of my gourd, I am actually happy that October is here, and fall approacheth. And speaking of gourds, what better way to say Welcome to October than a picture of my little witch cat and her pumpkins, pumpkin from MY garden, I might add. Mighty proud of my three small beauties. The pumpkins are occupying her sacred window space on the buffet, and she’s continuously between them trying to chirp at bids that taunt her outside.  Birds that are mightily busy at the bird feeder, I might add, storing up for their long journeys some, but other’s just storing up in general. I have never had so many birds in my yard before.

I am looking forward to the colder weather, crisp air and the holidays, all of them, of course, from Halloween to Christmas.  And then of course, my usual slump will occur when I go crazy and start my seeds too early because there are no holiday’s to occupy my time making, baking and creating for. But that’ a solid three months away, and the next three months are some of my favorite of the entire year. If  I could honestly remove January and February from the calendar year, what a perfect year it would be! I could even handle one cold March, then welcome April with open arms. I really need to speak to someone about just removing those months entirely!

I feel very cyclic this year, and part of that really does come from participating in a (small..very, very small) harvest of my own.  I have found it amazing how just everything is gearing down, my plants, my enthusiasm for said plants, and I am just ready to move on to other things rather then gardening and yard work. Like crafting and Halloween stuff, then Christmas baking and creating…I’m ready! Bring on the snow. After Halloween, of course.

This coming weekend we are heading to Crossfield for a birthday party, the kids start swimming lessons on Sunday and that day as well I am going to see the movie Whip It, and I can’t wait! Anyone else who is interested in joining, in let me know and I can email you the info.

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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