miniature schnauzer sitting on red background

Well hi everyone! My name is Root Beer and I’m the newest member of the Magpie family.  I’m an 8 week old miniature Schnauzer who likes to chew on toes, go for long walks on the beach and enjoys a beautiful sunset.

If you’re wondering about the odd name – which I did – I guess it fits right into this crazy family somehow. When my Mom first saw me as a little 1 week old puppy,  she picked me up, snuggled me and said “Oh my goodness, he looks like a little Root Beer Float!”  because I’m brown and white, like a creamy root beer float. I’ve been told that Mom is somewhat crazy about food – not sure what this whole “food blogger” thing is anyway- and comparing a puppy to food is a normal thing.

The name stuck with the kids instantly.  Mom and Dad compromised and said that Root Beer was fine, as long as I was called R.B. for short. Pronounced Aaaarrr Beeeee. Like a pirate….Arrrrrr…then Beeeee. R.B. That’s me!

Sweetie Girl loves me to bits. I’m not sure if that’s her real name, but that’s what Mom calls her.  Sweetie Girl has been waiting a long time for me to join the family and has been counting down the days, or more like years, until she got me.

little girl with her cute little dog on lap

Bud likes me too. That’s Dad’s favorite name for him, all I hear is “Hey Bud, how was your day at school?” or “Hey Bud, thanks for all the help!”. Bud is more gentle with me than Sweetie Girl.

His feet smell better too and by better I mean he has great 8-year-old boy stinky toes for me to chew on!

little boy with the cute little dog on lap

I’m a little bit narcoleptic like most puppies. If I find myself on a nice warm person, my eyes start to close immediately….

close up of miniature schnauzer puppy on the lap of a little boy

My Aunt Karami stopped by for a visit on her way to St Paul today and while she was cuddling me, I guess I fell asleep like this. I soon found out that the black machine that seems to be attached to my mom’s eyes is called a camera. I don’t like it very much. I can’t lick her face when she’s holding it.

Honestly, does my mom have to take pictures of everything? How embarrassing. I hope I didn’t snore.

cute dog being cuddled by a woman wearing pink long sleeves blouse

I love my cosy little kennel and it really doesn’t matter if I nap in or out of it.

I’m good wherever.

Hey man, a dog’s gotta nap where a dog’s gotta nap.

dog napping inside a little kennel

Speaking of which…I’m tired. I hear Mom tappity tapping on her little black machine while I’m sitting on her nice, warm lap. Bud is upstairs recuperating after a fall on his bike and lots of scrapes all over. Sweetie Pie is most likely getting into trouble since Mom is watching me at the moment.

close up of puppy on the lap of a little boy

It was nice to meet you all, but it’s nap time now. I’m all worn out from laying on laps all day.


Root Beer.

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. PrairieGardens says

    Rootbeer totally fits!  BTW – have you a recipe for homemade root beer?

    • thekitchenmagpie says

       _u********@li******.com" profile_url="" ns="true">PrairieGardens I do not! Homemade root beer sounds yummy!

  2. alicia says

    Awww, RB is such a cutie pie! Promise us you’ll post LOADS of pictures of him!

  3. BlackbirdPie says

    Very cute!  I love his full name.  We sing songs about Root Beer at our house, and to celebrate Jr getting his cast off last week we had root beer cupcakes, with chocolate straws.  Yum!

    • KitchenMagpie says

      @bakedbycarmen He’s kinda squealworthy! And infinitely cuddly! <3

  4. AmandaDoucette says

    @KitchenMagpie What a cutie patootie pie you’ve got there! #puppylove

  5. comicsandcosplay says

    To heck with the kids, I’m coming home to play with Root Beer! Great pics hon!

  6. comicsandcosplay says

    To heck with the kids, I’m coming home to play with the kids! Great pics hon!

  7. commandsisters says

    AWWWEEEEEEHHH!!! <3 <3 <3 @KitchenMagpie

    • KitchenMagpie says

      @commandsisters I know!! LOL. He’s so freaking adorable!

      • 12strong says

        @KitchenMagpie Ack I love his whiskers! So adorable! I can totally relate to the toe munching – we just got ourselves a new pup too šŸ™‚

      • commandsisters says

        We have an old one!!! She is 10 and her name is Angel #schnauzersrule @KitchenMagpie

        • KitchenMagpie says

          @commandsisters The kids are soooo excited. I love Schnauzers. #schnauzersrule is right!

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