If you know me, then you know that this time of year it’s allll about the plants.

And the Garden. (yes, it’s Garden with a capital G to me)

Plus the yard and the work it entails.

Enjoying this fantastic, albeit dry, weather.

Have I mentioned the Garden yet? Speaking of which, my daughter picked me the lovely blue flowers above from said Garden and brought

them in, all proud of herself.Quite early for a posy of flowers and they were greatly appreciated.

Even though I have a sad lack of blooms this time of year in the yard, nothing was more adorable than those flowers clutched in grubby little hands for her mama.

It has also been nice enough to kick the tires n’ light the fires quite literally with the fire pit. I think we should enjoy it before w

e are on a fire ban all summer. If we don’t get rain soon, I can forsee one long, hot dry summer sans campfires.

Speaking of grubby hands, here are the matching feet. Every time I see her cute little tootsies I think of Laura Ingalls Wilder and how in the books she was always running wild and barefoot. Tha

t would be my daughter.

lighted fire in the fire pit
dirty feet of a little girl wearing a denim dress

And she’s quite happy with that. I used the pictures that had her dress in focus rather than her horrifyingly dirty feet. Someone might call Child Welfare on me and take her away.

Wait. Would I get a full nights sleep out of that deal?

close up of dirty feet of a little girl wearing a denim dress

And my hearts, all watching the firepit avidly, waiting for the coals for marshmallows! It was a very short fire, a couple of logs that burned down until we could roast the marshmallows we promised the kidlets.

Dad with his kids watching the fire pit avidly

Also new is the fact that I started a yoga class Monday mornings with two girls I work with and already I love it. I can’t believe that I could spend an hour and a half doing it, but the time flew, I really enjoy the instructor and the class was small with a very comfortable atmosphere.

So there is one goal off my list of to-do’s this year!

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Flapper Pie and a Blue Prairie Sky

A Modern Bakerā€™s Guide to Old-Fashioned Desserts

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. Karlynn says

    Ok seriously Lori, everyone is going to think I am putting fake comments on my site posing as you! Thanks for the compliments, the abundant crazy-love compliments <3

  2. Lori says

    Truly Karlynn – you are the Canadian Martha Stewart!
    And you children and soooo divine! So divine! And your husband is pretty darn CUTE too!

    What yoga are you doing? I used to practice daily but I’ve done nothing in the last long few months! I used to do ashtanga, LOVED IT.

    How do you find the time to blog amazingly I might add, take care of your children, yourself, your husband, cook, craft, clean, and work?

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