woman taking picture in front of mirror


Look what I gone done and did.

I hemmed.

I hawed.

I asked the advice of many talented photogs that surround me.

I consulted Consumer Reports, my purchasing bible.

Then I looked around for the best deal. Bit the bullet. Bought it.

Say hello to my leeetle friend. (name that movie!)

a box of Canon brand camera

I am very, very excited to enter the world of spending crazy amounts of money on lenses the digital SLR.

little girl holding a shell toy

It’s smarter than me.

It scares me.

I’m not worthy.

So the only question I ask, is who in tarnation is going to teach me how to use this camera?

Any takers?

I pay with cookies.

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. anisa says

    Finally!!! No more camera talk…canon, eh??? How is it so far?

  2. Mindy says

    I have the D40 and 60. In a perfect world, I would own the most expensive Nikon imaginable.

  3. Mindy says

    Nikon all the way.

    And I watched a few honey badger videos.. best part of my day so far.

    • Karlynn says

      How did I know you would be a Nikon girl? Honey badger = hilarity.

  4. Rebecca says

    Awe..thanks Karlynn. <3 Looking forward to our playdate (aka play with camera and eat yummy food!)

  5. Karlee says

    Best book I have read is “Understanding Exposure – 3rd edition” By Bryan Peterson. So many light bulbs went off in my head. It’s also the easiest to read, you won’t get that glazed look. I watched videos online on the Nikon Website. It was super helpful. I’m sure there are tons on the Rebel on the Canon website on how to use all those features you had no idea existed šŸ˜‰


    My birthday/christmas list goes something like this:

    – 50mm 1.4
    – Fisheye
    – 100mm
    – Tilt-shift 45mm (I’m REALLY dreaming here)

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