Lighted Christmas reflection in the wall mirror


Christmas time’s  a ‘coming.

And it always comes a little bit earlier to our house.  Just a leeetle, not too much.

Ok fine. It comes early, I am crazy and we set up the tree on Remembrance Day this year.

Can I get away with it by claiming that I really have no time? That I am throwing a party for my son’s birthday this coming weekend, which will involve far too many children and adults in my house all at once, then the cleanup, then getting the kids fundraiser done and ordered, then two Christmas parties the first weekend of December then….I run out of time. There is no spare moments to be found this time of year which is ok by me.  It’s all kind of downhill from my son’s birthday on, timewise. But it just means that my tree is up crazy early.

I like to enjoy my tree and my Christmas Meese and not just have them up for two weeks.

This is what my living room looked like before. My children thought it was unbelievably funny to hide in with the outdoor decorations.

What’s scary is that there are two children in the picture below, and you can barely tell.

My poor husband Mike hauled everything upstairs for me.

Stood there with his hands on his hips surveying the living room for a while.

Opened his mouth…reconsidered it…and shut his mouth.

Opened his mouth…winced….reconsidered it..shook his head..and shut his mouth.

Stood there doing that like a fish for a while.

He’s a smart, smart man.

Decided to blurt out “Well, luckily the Christmas decorating is your thing!” and ran back downstairs to the Mac that loves him.

two kids hiding on the Christmas decorations

Thank goodness for my little helpers! The little helpers who spent hours helping their mama, having a pajama day at home.

It might have been because I was too busy to nag them to get dressed, but whatever the reason it was PJ day at our house as well.

two kids busy retrieving the Christmas decors from the box

I would like to point out that it takes hours to be a Christmas freak to this extent. Four hours, to be exact. We did have lunch in there somewhere and a little nagging on the side as Mike did the outdoors decorations.

I’m just going to come right out and say it:  it’s very hard to be married to me at this time of year.

He’s a lucky man that this year the lights are still up on the house and he wasn’t swaying on a tinny ladder 35 feet up in the air as per usual. He only had to put out countless decorations and lights and blow-ups.

The man must just cringe when it’s this time of year. I give him credit for not complaining, but after 11 years he must realize how futile it would be anyway.

lighted Christmas tree and other decor all set up

So the tree is up, the moose are out and the furniture rearranged. Just one little thing more…

I am in love with these ultra large decorations that I picked up two years ago, I was going to put them outside then chickened out last year. This year I was inspired to hang them on the mantel and I have found their permanent place.

I just need one more…just one and really, that’s IT.

I mean it this time.

ultra large decoration hanging in the fire place

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. Mike Johnston says

    Yes, I indeed stood there and for the first time in my life, I did not blurt out anything foolish. I was rather proud of myself ;P

    You do a great job on the decorating anyways hon, I’m just glad it’s not me having to do it all. Although I do the outside.. brr..

  2. Kevin says

    Wow. I won’t tell my wife, or she might join your craziness. I can say that, cause I’m not your husband…a smart man indeed.

  3. A Canadian Foodie says

    What a beautiful tree and beautiful home and join my club. For years and years and years the tree has gone up November 11th as I have taught school and it was the only extra day I have had to do it. I like to take it down right away after, but, like you – OH BOY do I enjoy this time of year. The longer, the better. This year, as I was coming home from Christmas in November that day, I did not get it done. I have “almost” recovered from my parent’s 60th Wedding anniversary and CIN and am putting it all up tomorrow. YAY!
    Now, snow, baby, snow!

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