little girl wearing black cap looking sideways

You can hear the dinosaurs roaring from the parking lot.

The expression on my daughters face says it all.

“What..the..*bleep* is in that forest?”

Well my friends, there are going to be very few dinosaur pictures in this post, I think there is nothing worse than a spoilsport review – am I reviewing? opining? beaking?-  where the person spills all the beans, shows all the goods and leaves nothing to the imagination.

You’re just going have to go see for yourself.

The massive entrance inspires a shiver down your spine.

In fact, my friend turned to me and said “If we hear anyone yelling Shoot her! Shoot her! ” I’m outta here.”

I concur.

You feel like a raptor might just be around the corner.

Awesome, appropriate mood setting entry.

little boy in the massive entrance of the Jurassic Forest

Their signage is worth a snicker.

non smoking area signage

Or two.

signage not to enter dinosaur pen

Oh heck, even three snickers were elicited by this point.

signage to stay on the path

The Jurassic Forest proclaims loud and clear how they have kept the natural forest with minimal impact to it while while building and I must admit, they did a fantastic job, look at this photo below.

Just gorgeous.

a view from the Jurassic Forest with natural forest

Along the walks there are plenty of rest points, along with recycling and garbage bins.

rest points, recycling and garbage bins along the walk

Whassat? Who’s there?

Friend or foe?

Meat eater or plant lover?

Are you sure this one eats plants?

He looks like he could go for a big, red human steak at this point.

I love this picture, it looks almost CGI.

Picture yourself here.

Looking at this dinosaur.

You don’t even need imagination, at this point. All there is between you and Apatosaurus are those shrubs in the picture.

a real Apatosaurus inside Jurassic Forest

On our second jaunt around the trails, the kids took one of the seriously cute dinosaur wagons that are available and took turns pulling each other in them.

older brother pulling the cute dinosaur wagons with other two kids riding on it

And this picture just sums up the whole trip. The kids were enraptured the first time around the trails and just goofed around the second. We had two 6 year olds and a 4 year old, so methinks that it just gets better when they are old enough to stop and read the signs.

little girl facing back, looking at the dinosaur

The kids can’t wait to take Mike again on Sunday and check it out.

There is a cute little playground, a great place to eat full of picnic tables in the shade, a gift shop and a small food kiosk which unfortunately was sold out of almost everything, my only complaint about the visit.

We are going to buy a family pass this year because I already know of two friends who will be visiting us and want to go visit when they come, thus the pass will be paid for.

We were told that there is another large loop coming full of other dinosaurs to see next year and a smaller more interactive one.  Also promised are science-based special events throughout the year, pancake breakfasts, a Christmas event and that it is open all year (excepting weather under -40) with the paths cleared in winter.

If all of the above comes to fruition, it will be an amazing place to have a family pass to for parents with dino crazy kids.

If it doesn’t, it still is a heck of a great way to spend a day while you are in the Edmonton area.

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. Jenn's Edmonton AB says

    Looks like fun! We’re moving to the area soon! I want to check it out! I love the signs!

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