Collage photo of Karlynn's Thrift HaulsYou all must have totally known that this was coming. A thrift haul post – and there will be more to follow!

I’ve been sharing my thrifting adventures on my Instagram Stories ( click that link to follow me and then you’ll see allllll of the thrifting wins!) and it was inevitable that I would get around to sharing them here, in a post, in case you missed it on my stories, since those stories disappear after 24 hours. I’m sure there are some of you that don’t live on Instagram like I do, so these posts are for you!

This last week was an exceptionally amazing week, so please don’t think that this is what thrifting is always like. I found some amazing treasures and I must say it was a week to beat all weeks!

First up, my first Pyrex haul of the week!

The casserole is from 1967 and is called Golden Rose, and the yellow bowl is the largest mixing bowl ( 404) for the primary set of mixing bowls. It’s probably the most thrifted bowl in the universe, I kid you not. I have about 4 sitting on my shelf, waiting for me to build the sets eventually. I use two in my own kitchen as it’s the perfect size as a workhorse and so common that I can use it without worry.

Pyrex set of mixing bowls - yellow bowl and casserole

Next up, a $40 score for my baby niece. ( yes, I know she’s a toddler but she’s my baby. Hush, now. I don’t want to hear it). She’s going to have some serious fun in her new playhouse this summer! We have to go get this tomorrow, I waited for Mike to get home and we’ll cram it into the SUV.

pink, cream and violet colored playhouse

The kids had no school this Friday, so we dropped my son off to spend the day with a friend and my daughter came thrifting with me.

kids with their mom having fun inside the car

My daughter has some serious thrifting game.

Look at our first stop after dropping off my son.

She found four vintage Barbie toys in their original boxes, from 1979/1980. That Barbie corvette!!! TO DIE FOR! What a thrift haul!

vintage Barbie toys in their original boxes on the red pushcart

This is Glasbake and while I don’t collect it ( the pieces are usually called Gremlins in the Pyrex world, we are such snobs) I SURE DO COLLECT IT IF IT’S TURQUOISE!!!

Glasbake - white Pyrex baking dish with prints of fruits

Remember what I told you about those yellow primary bowls?

They follow me like a puppy dog.

The green Pyrex 404 and the far left yellow 403 are the two bottom bowls of the Reverse Primary set, which in my opinion is one of the nicest sets out there. So now I’ll spend the next few years looking for the orange and blue bowl to complete it.

The bird glasses have already been put into use by Mr Magpie for a Bluebird cocktail and are SO PRETTY for photos!

The red bowl?

Super score. Amazing score. That’s a Federal Glass Diamonds bowl, and I’m not sure if it came with a lid and was a candy dish. It’s REALLY big and I have yet to find one online with a lid. I have to do some research, but my heart skipped a beat when I saw it on the shelf!!

Pyrex yellow primary and Federal Glass Red Diamonds bowl on red table

Chalkware owls! I love chalkware and it’s so hard to find in good shape in the thrifts. This is a kitchen set and the owl just needs a little notepad for “kitchen notes”! Love them!

two pieces of Chalkware yellow colored owls on old news paper page

Last, but not least, one of the most amazing things that I have ever found!

I picked up this tablecloth for $4.99 ( and then used a 30% off coupon because I had a bunch of stuff with it) because I loved the pink and red colour combo. I figured that it would be perfect for my kitchen table since it matched my house.

tablecloth with pink and red colour combo design

And then I googled who Peter Max is. And it’s not going on my table, ever. Because it’s worth several hundred dollars, if not more.

And I’m not even sure what I am going to do with it now, because Peter Max was THE psychedelic, pop art of the 1960’s/70’s artist. He claimed to have done the Beatles Yellow Submarine cover in a 2012 interview (apparently people are in one of two camps : he did it or the guy that did copied Max’s style.).

Whether or not he did the Beatles album, his work is iconic and you’ve seen it. We’ve all seen it. Google his name and you’ll see. It’s worth FAR too much money for me to ever use it there’s the dilemma I face, keep it and never use it, or sell it?

tablecloth with the print name of peter max

And now you’ve seen this tablecloth and you know to look for that signature above. Ā This is one of the main reasons that I thrift, I love rescuing things that might have otherwise been turned into wash cloths for car washes or even worse, taken to the dump and thrown out.

This is a piece of the 60’s that otherwise might have disappeared forever and with all my googling over the past 24 hours, I have yet to find this pattern anywhere online, it might just be one of a kind, I don’t know how many were made of any pattern. I’ll be taking better photos of it later on that do this piece justice, but for now, it’s tucked away in my cabinet with my other linens.

And while there are probably other items, this is my first thrift haul post, so I didn’t take photos of everything!

Thanks for reading and happy hunting!

Love, Karlynn

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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    • Karlynn Johnston says

      I will try to write this weekly! We do trips once a week, at least! It’s my break time!

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