Variety of Kraft Peanut Butter in Jars

On July 19th – and only on July 19th- the Kraft Peanut Butter Truck is rolling into Edmonton, at the Taste of Edmonton to be exact! This truck will feature 4 permanent items that the truck will have at each stop; Ā aĀ Peanut Butter Belgian waffle, Peanut Butter Sā€™mores, PB with Pretzels and a delectable Asian Veggie Dip. I was lucky enough to receive samples of the fare that the food truck will feature from Gail Hall,Ā Ā who also loaded me up with more peanut butter than I could imagine! Thanks to Kraft for sending out the samples, my kids are in peanut butter heaven!

When Gail arrived, I was outside, chasing a dog, two muddy kids and add my adopted son from next door to the fray as well, trying to keep them off the newly laid sod, out of the mud patches that were still left and pack for a trip.

One could come to the conclusion that an array of pre-made snacks was very high on my needs list at that moment.

The kids dug right in like starving wolves.

The Peanut Buter S’mores were a hit, of course and I barely got a nibble!

close up of Peanut Buter S'mores

The truck is also going to have  two featured ā€œconsumer creationsā€  that are created by residents in the city where the truck stops. In Edmonton these cococtions are  a ā€˜Morning Boostā€™ celery stick topped with smooth light peanut butter and raisins, and a ā€˜Sweet Peanut Butter and Pickle Sandwichā€™ , that has a bit of honey added to create a lovely sweet and sour sandwich!

My son thought the pickle sandwich was the coolest thing ever and scarfed it up lickety split.

little boy having a bite of sweet peanut butter and pickle sandwich

The Thai Peanut Dip was a great surprise, I personally have always eaten carrots with peanut butter – my husband still thinks I am weird- so this was right up my alley.

Want to know how easy this is? Here’s the recipe:

1 tsp Kraft Asian Sesame Dressing, 2 tbsp Kraft whipped Peanut butter and a smidge of butter. Combine.

Voila! You have a great snack for kids and adults alike.

Thai Peanut Dip and carrot sticks in a cup

The official press release with all the information is below:

In Edmontonā€™s downtown core, new, exciting food choices are literally popping up everywhere. This
summer, Edmontonā€™s street eats are about to get even tastier ā€“ only this time, based on one key, much-
loved ingredient: Kraft Peanut Butter. Thatā€™s right: PB-lovers can now walk up to a truck window, order
a lip-smacking PB creation and enjoy!

Itā€™s no secret: Canadians love Kraft Peanut Butter. And for over 50 years, theyā€™ve come up with many,
many creative ways to enjoy it. Now, Kraft is taking that PB love to the streets with the Kraft Peanut
Butter Truck tour to celebrate and share some of the countryā€™s most beloved PB creations developed by
Canadians themselves: from old-time faves like PB&J and peanut butter and bananas to trendy offerings
including PB and pretzels and a tasty Thai dip with veggies.

People all over the country have been sharing their favourite peanut butter creations and the unique
memories or inspirations behind them on In fact, a ā€˜Morning Boostā€™ celery
stick topped with smooth light peanut butter and raisins, and a ā€˜Sweet Peanut Butter and Pickle
Sandwichā€™ with a dash of honey from Edmonton had such unique stories, that weā€™re featuring them as
signature menu items on the Kraft Peanut Butter Truck this summer.

What: The Kraft Peanut Butter Truck Tour arrives in Edmonton to celebrate a distinct menu of
Canadaā€™s favourite PB creations! Watch for a 27-ft vehicle, covered in classic Kraft PB
colours, prominently displaying Canadaā€™s most beloved peanut butter creations! Walk up to
the window and choose your favourite or take a tour and taste with Joanna Milroy from Kraft
Peanut Butter who will be on-site available for interviews.

When:Wednesday, July 18

Where: Weā€™ll come to you!

Follow us on Twitter, @KraftPBTruck to find out where weā€™ll be!

I hope everyone has a great time tasting all the creations at the Kraft Peanut Butter Truck!


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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. supersu says

    oooo. cant wait! just recently i have ‘rediscovered’ how great peanut butter is!  my newest favorite flavor-see you there!

  2. ACanadianFoodie says

    Good for you!I have eaten enough Kraft in my day and am done with it, now – but can completely relate. The only Kraft food you could get me to eat in any manner would have to be their caramels. None have ever compared – except, of course, homemade. They are almost impossible to find, any more, too!

    I am such a political animal. I am just going to remain mum.

    I will say that I LOVE peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches. Have not had one in 35 years at least… but the memory is definitely a lovely tingly one!

    I am so glad I lived at a time, as a child, when peanuts and peanut butter were allowed in schools!:)Valerie

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