I was in denial, thinking that things would settle down once Mike was back from all his traveling and training across North America. Fool that I am, I had some baking projects in mind, de-cluttering of the house-mainly the basement- and starting some serious thinking about what I am planting this spring.
I, uh, made some muffins today, does that count for something? The recipe will be coming soon as well as a quickie recipe for these brussel sprouts below:
I have to find out where I scribbled down what exactly I did.
I am so, so incredibly bad for that. I will have a sheet of paper with me while cooking and write down amounts, take little notes…and promptly lose the paper.
I have some gingerbread cupcakes from this summer that I have the pictures of. Not a written recipe in sight. And they were so dang good. They are on the list to attempt again, I think I found some scattered notes on them and will try to figure out what I did.
I also spent a morning bowling with my daughter and her kindergarten class.
Have you ever bowled with 20+ five year olds?
I think my Twitter status that day was “bowling with 22 five year olds was like herding cats with heavy round objects being thrown about while you’re wearing ugly shoes.”
Yes indeed. It certainly was exactly that.
But look at her form! She had so much fun and so did I. They are so cute and little and completely uncontrollable at this age.
And their school is doing a wonderful project, where a wall has been transformed into a large tree and little notes are attached like leaves. The notes are to say something positive and happy about a classmate, teacher or volunteer in the school. The notes are then hung up for everyone to enjoy and I must admit it is heartwarming and beautiful to behold all of the messages on that wall.
The best part is my son took one home and gave it to my husband and I.
I love that he thought of creating and taking one home for us and I so love that he thought of my cooking! I also think it’s hilarious that he spells it “mum”, I think that’s from his reading Harry Potter, in fact, I would lay bets on it.
Other than that, I am home with one sick little boy, which usually turns into 2 sick kids – illness math always works that way in our house, it’s never subtraction for some reason- so I forsee more baking, crafting and mess in my near future.
What I don’t see, is sleep and rest unfortunately. I was a mommy sandwich last night, between a little boy who sleeps like he’s playing soccer when he’s not feverish and thrashing and a tick who sticks to you like, well, a tick.
I also know that the littlest one is getting sick because she’s cried about 5 times, hit her brother twice and told me I am the worst mom ever because I made her clean up her playdough.
Hope everyone’s week is wonderful, your houses stay clean, your children stay healthy and the weather warms the devil up.
The Worst Mom Ever.
Karami says
Awwww, couple of cute kids. Even when they are little sickies…
A Canadian Foodie says
Beautiful and warm and funny.