snowman lego holding a broom

Day 1 finally arrived for my incredibly excited children: today we started the Lego Advent Calendar.

You can look forward to another 23 of these posts, you lucky dogs you! Yes, I am going to blog each….little….figure.

This would be the first year we have done it, someone has always been to small and would likely choke on it,  not into Lego enough, or simply Mom couldn’t find one to save her soul last year.

You gotta be quick, able to throw an elbow without any guilt and have an inside connection to get these babies.

No, really. I went the day after I heard a new shipment was on the shelves at a major toy retailer and got the last of 3.

So we were all excited this year. Except already I have this niggling fear in my gut about having to find it next year.

Already I worry. I just got everything nailed down this year, the kids letters to Santa were posted this morning-with me dancing a jig of joy because Santa is TOTALLY DONE shopping making his elves build those exact toys- and still I worry.

It’s a mother’s lot in life. To worry about where the next present is coming from.

Hey, this may be one of the last years Santa is a real force present in our house. I am going to enjoy this like nobody’s business.

I also told my son we are going to the mall for cheesy Santa pictures.

Nothing like a look of sheer terror in his eyes to start my morning off right!

And speaking of starting mornings off right, I wish I had one of these for every month.

My children have never been dressed, washed and ready so fast ever. Even if my daughter looks like she is from the 70’s.

kids opening a set of lego on the table

Day one! A snowman! And inside the tab was directions on how to put him together.

A snowman inside the tab

My son has never been happier, having a little Lego guy to build first thing in the morning. It’s all about the Lego this year.

close up of snowman lego holding a broom

Today on Day one -because you were all waiting with bated breath to find out my schedule I am sure- the perogies have landed! I will be sorting out oh, roughly 500 bags of assorted Ukrainian food and hopefully parents will be picking them up fast.

I also am going to a Taste Alberta function tonight, Taste Alberta being a new feature the Edmonton Journal is doing about local foods, places and sources of said food. I am really excited to not only go tonight and meet some people who’s blogs I read but the series itself sounds amazing and I can’t wait to read it.

Anyone else out there in blog land coming so I can stalk you look for you?

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. Nicole Schroth says

    Where did you get the lego advent calender? I know we are already on Day 13, but I know my son would love this. He just gets to open 13 at once.

    • Karlynn says

      I bought it at Toys R Us, I am not sure who would still have it on the shelves.

  2. Morgan O'Brien says

    Lego Advent Calenders are in my opinion the greatest Christmas treat any house could have. With Christmas anticipation is key and I cant think of a better way to count down the days to Christmas morning. I would have loved one as a child, and cant wait for my wife and I to have children of our own to be able to share one with. We actually have this years calender we’ve bought one for the past couple of years just for fun!

  3. Janis says

    This is such a cool idea! How fun!

    I loved Lego when I was a kid… still do.

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