lego of man with goatee wearing green sweater

This dude is weird. I don’t know if I dislike his sweater alone or the goatee/sweater combo.

Also, his goatee does not match his hair and that truly bothers me. If Mike’s goatee ever is a vastly different color than his hair, he’s going to be talking to the razor. Black hair….brown goatee….

Perhaps it’s the black Una Bomber case he is carrying. He just is not yanking my chain, this one.

Today…I cleaned my basement. Yippee.

I visited the classroom at school where the older grades held a “cafe” with tea and hot chocolate and their newspapers that they wrote and created, which were hilarious and wonderful and my kind of school project. I especially liked the one editorial insisting that the whole school have a nap daily.

I didn’t bake a single thing and it looks like Boston Pizza is making my dinner. It’s my daughters turn to choose where we eat. And she chooses BP’s every….blasted….time.

My son? Chooses a delightful Indian buffet, wherever Mom mentions we can try. I love when it’s his turn.

And speaking of that, I also commiserated with a friend online and had a virtual afternoon drink together talking about our children’s picky eating habits.

I just about had a mental breakdown last night making dinner.


It was supposed to be roasted chicken sandwiches with lefties from the chicken the night previous.

My son doesn’t eat chicken.

My daughter simply didn’t want to eat it.

So we decided on eggs.

Do you think they can even have the courtesy to eat the eggs cooked the same way?

No. They cannot.

My daughter had to have over easy eggs with toast. Her toast cannot touch her eggs, however, and if her eggs are too over easy, she won’t eat them because they are “too wet”. I kid you not. Too wet.

My son doesn’t like fried eggs but will eat an omelet. With mushrooms and asparagus and cheese.

I ate the @#$#@ chicken sandwich. They had their eggs.

I can’t help it. I cave. I get so frustrated but refuse to make my children eat food they dislike or let them go hungry because I think those are the starting points of a lifetime of bad eating habits.

I like that they enjoy healthy food.  I would never force my son to eat meat. I won’t let them go hungry because I am trying to let them eat when hungry and not eat just because it’s a certain time of day.

But for the love of god, some nights just drive me up the wall and last night was one of them.

I just wanted to eat a flippin’ toasted chicken sandwich without being a line cook for one night. Just one.

So for the rest of you like me – and I know there are a lot of you out there who deal with this –  I raise my virtual glass of wine to you.

Drink up, you aren’t alone.

And now I am off to make that virtual wine turn into reality.

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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