yellow Santa and red couch lego

Yes, I am a lovely 4 days behind in my posts.

Oh well. It’s not like anyone was holding their breath in anticipation for my Lego posts.

I hope.

Day 16 was an adorable red couch.

Day 17 brought us a shower, which now that I get it (I had to be told what it was) I think it’s so flippin’ adorable.

I had an inkling, thanks to a mom at school who is also doing the Advent Calendar, that there was going to be something a little saucy for Day 18.


Saucy is right.


In a thong.

I’ll give you the back view first.

yellow Santa holding a yellow hair brush lego

Eeesh. The front view isn’t any better! I am still a wee bit scarred.

This is like Santa Gone Bad.

yellow lego Santa with white long beard holding a yellow hair brush

Day 19, today, was a little red wagon. It’s cute. But it’s not Santa in a thong. What could possibly top that?

Yesterday I headed out to the Strathcona Farmers’ Market for the first time in months. I work on Saturdays so making it to the market is nearly impossible.

I might be finding time, however, as I remember the jewels that can be found there.

The kids were in seventh heaven, poking around, deciding what they were going to get as their treat. Which ended up being a balloon Rudolph from Dan the Balloon Man instead of the candy I assumed they would have chosen.

kids in the market looking on something in the Christmas tree

Is that not the cutest thing EVER???

close up of a balloon Rudolph

I will be posting more tonight or tomorrow, I had a lovely get together last night with some friends – consisting of my virtual internet friends as well- and there are some pictures from that.

Tonight is the ETS Christmas lights tour, something our family looks forward to every Christmas season. It’s one of my absolute favorite things to do and we are so excited!

Hope everyone is having a warm and safe weekend.

Only 6 more sleeps till Christmas!

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. A Canadian Foodie says

    ONLY 6 sleeps left – OH MY! You went to the market and had friends over, too… you truly are Wonder Woman!!! I love OSFM during the winter months. Nice to reconnect with the familiar faces I didn’t see all summer – often, anyway. Thursday is their last day before Christmas. Are you going? My daughter will be up from Palo Alto and coming with me… if you are going, we can maybe have a quick coffee together.

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