Today’s post is brought to you today courtesy of my Instagram account and the letter $.
What? $ is totally a letter in my alphabet. Or at least it was today.
To start at the beginning, which is where I guess I should, my kids crack me up, so, so much some days. Today Mr K opened day 8 to find a Star Wars Rebel fighter in his advent calendar while The Princess opened hers to find a coffee table with little Lego cups.
They decided it was hot cocoa, a white newspaper and arranged the Rebel fighter thusly in the picture above.
I can barely open my eyes at 7:30 in the morning, but their imagination knows no such limits. He’s still sitting there like this and I chuckle every time I walk by him. These are the moments that make parenting bearable, the moments you remember when they wake you up at 3 am for no apparent reason other than they are their little Princess selves and incredibly needy. These are the moments that hold you back from throttling them at 3 am.
The letter $ comes from shopping at Southgate today with my friend Blackbird who also hadn’t checked out Crate and Barrel. I have been meaning to but I knew, deep down inside, that there was no way I was walking out of there empty-handed.
And I didn’t. I have been looking for new kitchen utensils and love these stainless steel ones that they carry. Soo perfect in my kitchen. They also have some decent weight to them if I want to whack the husband one.
Oh god. Speaking of which, could you imagine if our mothers had these stainless steel suckers instead of wooden spoons when we were kids? I cringe just thinking of it.
To start this part of the post, I have a confession to make.
I am not a make-girl. I wear a Revlon foundation -which doesn’t make me break out so this is a big thing- and only buy my makeup wherever I happen to be shopping when I run out.
I know. Shame on me. There’s a whole world of beautiful cosmetics to explore out there, why stick to boring?
Oof. I dipped my toe into the world of non drugstore make-up with some Dior mascara. I’ve heard nothing but good about it. And oh lord, walking into Sephora was evil and bad and good and a world I should stay away from because it’s so pretty and shiny and expensive and I could spend too much money in there.
I’m already thinking of my next trip back. This is why I didn’t start, my addictive personality just causes all sorts of trouble.
I just tried the sample they sent home with me and want to go purchase it. I’m all sparkly like a vampire and smell like chocolate now thanks to Snow Woman Glistening Body Mousse.
Add in a trip to Superstore for some bulk Bernard Callebaut chocolate to put in my pecan pie that I am baking tomorrow (eek!!) and Ikea for a return and I am done like dinner!
The Sparkly Like a Vampire Magpie
Karlynn says
And really, people are jealous of our nicknames.
Karlynn says
Good description of the events indeed. But you forgot to add when Magpie sneaks back to buy the rest of what she saw….
blackbird says
Blackbird & Magpie* stand outside a Sephora store.
Magpie: Didn’t you want to go to Sephora?
Blackbird: Um.. no. I don’t really need anything.
Magpie: … I’ve never been.
Blackbird: Well, in that case.
Exit Scene, both have empty wallets.
* our nicknames really do sound silly together