Playing Lego on the table

It’s a two-for-one deal today, there wasn’t a spare moment yesterday to write up the post. Between cleaning and baking and the last-minute running around for the  Pie Party, posting the advent calender toys were the last thing on my mind.

The Pie Party was the most fun I have had since, well my Halloween open house. Less people but more games.  Mike is now addicted to Blokus and I have a new-found love for Carcassonne. We spent hours playing these two games with our company which lead to me discover that my new kitchen island counter has ample space to play games on as well as the table.

I totally made Mike burst a blood vessel by saying this morning “Hey, I think a few people over for board games on New Years would be great!”. As I survey my kitchen that isn’t even cleaned yet from the last event.

I discovered a new joy in having older children, Blackbird brought her little Junior and he and my kids spent the evening upstairs having a PJ party. Shaun the Sheep was on the TV, there was a foamie out with pillows and blankets and there were chips n’ snacks involved. Until well after 11 PM. Holy smokes, I have some tired kids this morning but how nice it was to play board games downstairs with adult company and let the kids enjoy themselves upstairs.

And we had pies. Pecan chocolate, pumpkin, lime, peanut butter and a shepherds pie. And a cheesecake from my brother who didn’t get the pie memo. I will give him that it was pie shaped, at least!

It’s definitely something we are going to do again, it was mentioned that a “pie tasting” event would be fun as well. This was more an “eat pie for late dinner” kind of event -which rocked my socks- but a purposeful pie tasting would be just as fun!

More on the Pie Party will come later once I edit pictures.

Today…we are thinking the Muppets Movie which could go either way. The kids and us are tired and sometimes, believe it or not, getting OUT of the house actually makes the day go by a little more smoothly when the whole family is tired.  It could also totally backfire and we could have cranky tired kids in the movie. Wish me luck.

I hope everyone’s weekend was as fabulous as ours was!


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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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