two pieces of lego on marble background

*tap tap tap*

Is this thing on?

*cue crickets*

Holy phoning in the Advent calendar Batman. I just…didn’t have it in me. I..don’t know why.  Just in case you aren’t familiar with the phrase phoning it in, I bring you the Urban Dictionary’s definition.

Phone It In:to put in a half a$$ed effort at something, but complete it. Often pertaining to work which is complete and pretending to have worked a long time on, when in fact little to no effort was put into it. Derived from deciding to not physically attend a meeting in, but rather to be present by phone only.
“Even though he had a huge project due Friday, he went to a party and got hammered Thursday night. He totally phoned it in.”

Soooo…I got nothing else to add to that.

This week has been full of fun, stress, food, more food and more fun. Just a teensy weensy little bit of stress in there, having to mainly do with the fact that I bought $30 dollars worth of cards and printed family photos, only to come home and not be able to find my address book.


I tore this house apart.

I asked everyone on my Facebook page and The Twitter  to play ” Find Magpie’s Address Book So She Can Do Her Bleepin’ Christmas Cards”. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a bazillion times, I have the bestest readers ever.

Alison had three great guesses : Its in the drawer by the phone? Top shelf in the front closet? Under your bed?

Jeanne of Hey Nana Bread : In the junk drawer next to the colored pens you used to address last year’s cards. That’s where I would’ve looked. :)

Pearls of wisdom from Holly of Gluten-Free Goes Vintage:  If you’re like me? In a “safe place.” With it’s Stealth Mode engaged.

But best of all, my reader Linda : You are not old enough for this;)) common experience of your much older groupies!

God bless you Linda. For making me laugh but also for telling me I have groupies. Groupies.

So totally awesome. That made up for the fact that I still don’t have that bleepin’ address book with 35 cards to write and magically address.

I might find it by Valentines Day. Cross your fingers for me.

some pieces of Lego in marble background

I have baked cookies with friends, gone to Vivo (again! I will write about it soon, I swear!) baked, cleaned and completely forgotten to take pictures of the Lego from Days 12-14. I feel like I am in a time vacuum with all my free time being sucked away from me, into some void I can’t see nor fight. Huzzah for Christmas!

That pile of rubble you see before thee in the picture is what happens when the kids are around Lego. They build. They destroy. They do it before I can take pictures. I couldn’t even tell you what’s from which day anymore. I don’t have any pictures. I don’t have any clue. I think some of that is Lego from days 12-14.

You’re just going to have to use your imaginations and build it in your minds.

And since you’re my groupies, you’re just gonna have to live with that.


This Groupie Thing Has Gone Staight To My Head Magpie

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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