drumer boy lego

Come they told me, pa rum pa pum pum….

The Lego Advent Calendar had a set of drums this morning, which thrilled my son to no end. I am not sure who looks forward to opening the little door each morning, the kids or myself, because I find myself right there with them, peering in to see what awaits us.

As it is, I can’t wait for Christmas morning and the Lego sets my son is going to get.

I am going to get to live and unabashedly embrace my Harry Potter obsession through him. I have never been so glad that he loves a certain series of books, even though I am only going to allow him to read the first four, until they become far too dark for a little 7 year old boy. But we’ll sure enjoy the first four.

Two words: Lego Hogwarts.

Mwhahahahaaa hehehehehe I can’t wait!

Today was the company party for the Children, which has me more tired out than Friday night’s boogie down bash did. Or it is still residual exhaustion from that evening just continuing on into today.

two kids decorating their cupcakes in the table of cupcakes and sprinkles

We went and started with decorating cupcakes and gingerbread men.

little boy spreading icing on top of his cupcake

Which my  son takes very, very seriously.

This was my daughters. The daughter who always forgets she hates jellybeans until she eats one.

Every. Single. Time.

Every. Single. Time. I get a fully masticated jelly bean in the palm of my hand.

“I don’t like these, Mummy!”

“No, no you don’t. You haven’t the last 24 times in your little 4 year old life that you have tried them. You think because it’s sugar that you have to give it a shot every time – and I truly do commend you for that line of thinking- but you still….don’t….like them.”

And I still get a sticky gross jelly bean smushed into my hand.

Now my son, he went for height. Good job! Pile ‘er up.

close up of cupcake with icing, sprinkles and candy cane on top

Then, of course, Santa visited and my children for once didn’t run screaming or crying.

I had a really nice time watching everyone  with the terrified children and giggling. Not so quietly either.

They are so cute and little and scared of the fat man in the red suit.

And they are so not mine this year! Hallelujah!

human Santa sitting in a black chair near the table with a big mirror on his background

We then spent the rest of the afternoon in Galaxyland letting the kids go on endless rides until the two of us adults were completely worn out.

I hope everyone else’s weekend was just as fun but far more restful! Oh boy, Monday here we come!

Christmas baking and I are going to tangle this week….in a big bad way. I’ll let you know who wins.

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. A Canadian Foodie says

    Great job! I love children’s masterpieces in the kitchen… and the lego advent calendar ROCKS

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