I think that I just won the Internet for the most creative blog post title, am I right? Truth be told, I had a fantastic time working with Garnier last year with some of their skincare products and I happily threw my hat into the ring to be able to try out their line of hair care products and get a sneak peek at their newest products. Itā€™s a perk to my job, getting to try out new things before they even hit the shelves and sharing them here with you guys.

How can I not be thrilled to come home to gorgeous little packages like this after a week long drive from Florida?

Showing the package from Garnier

Yes, we are home. The road trip back wore us right out, the kids were sick with colds and of course, the moment we were home my own cold set in full throttle. The thought of some pampering with some gorgeous new products definitely was perfect for this busy mama.

bottle of Garnier Whole Blends Honey Treasures

I was sent three different new types of shampoo and conditions combos. I knew that right off the bat the Honey Treasures was the one for me. I absolutely adore products with honey in them.

bottle of Garnier Whole Blends Coconut Water and Vanilla Milk

The Coconut Water and Vanilla Milk definitely was the runner-up for me, but I was floored at my daughterā€™s first choice.

Oh yes. Like mother, like daughter. She couldnā€™t wait to try out a new shampoo and informed me that I had to write her ā€œreviewā€.

This is serious business here folks. This here cutie pie is one tough cookie. So tough that even though she wrinkles her nose up at the thought of eating avocados, she took one smell of the Avocado Oil & Shea Butter and decided that it was the one.

Added bonus: No argument getting her to shower. Now if only that worked with her tween brother.

girl wearing pink shirt, holding bottles of Garnier Whole Blends shampoo and conditioner

So hereā€™s the important part for me and I know for a lot of you as well: the new Garnier Whole Blends are paraben free and use gentle sulfates. The Natural Extracts are also an added bonus. And each blend focuses on a unique hair action. With my hair, I honestly find it hard to find good paraben free products.

Thatā€™s because apparently it has grown out of control the past couple of years. Mike took this photo and I honestly looked at it and couldnā€™t believe that my hair is this long. Holy Dinah! The natural curl means that I need some powerful conditioning in order to help keep the frizzies under control and the sheer volume (Oh, itā€™s so thick. So, so thick. I have so much hair, you canā€™t even imagine) means that it needs serious scrubbing.

The shampoo did the trick nicely with a great scent, but itā€™s the conditioner that I really loved. Look at that mop. If you have curly hair you know how hard it is to brush your hair out after washing it. I donā€™t have the patience to use a pick and my hair laughs at picks, then breaks off. The conditioner left those curls smooth like buttah. I love it. It smells amazing and I used a regular hairbrush without any problem, which is considered nothing less than a miracle for curly hair.

woman facing back showing her long blonde wavy hair

As for the girlie, she said her hair was ā€œsmooth and soft and smelled great.ā€ A great review if Iā€™ve ever heard one!

If you want to try these out, you can get a sample today, just click right here. Thereā€™s also a Twitter Party #WholeBlends coming up on February 4th, at 7 PM EST and those are always a fabulously fun time! Who knows what fun antics are going to happen!

Itā€™s so much fun to write this kind of post here on The Kitchen Magpie. I rarely get to do beauty product reviews but I always have a fabulous time when they pop up! You guys donā€™t get to see how girly I can be, itā€™s always food, food, food.

Who else suffers the wrath and joy of naturally curly hair? Iā€™ve actually found that the longer I let it get, the better it curls and the better it looks. I was constantly straightening it out and had many surprised long-time friends when I gave up and let it go wild about two years ago. One of them bluntly told me ā€œWhere the heck were you hiding that great hair all this time?ā€. I am pretty sure thatā€™s whatā€™s called a double edge complimentā€¦.

Love you more than chocolate,




Although this post has been generously sponsored by Garnier Whole Blends, the opinions and language are my own.




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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. MC says

    It has sulfates (SLS) which is not healthy for hair and can cause breakage. Too bad cause it sounded good.

  2. Amy Pauley says

    So excited to see this, I have been wanting to try but too scared.  I battle my naturally curly hair everyday that everyone seems to love but me lol.  Finally started just letting it dry on it’s own after the birth of my daughter and it is so much nicer.  Going to try the shampoo/cond this weekend.  Any tips on product to put in to let it dry naturally that brings out the curl but eliminates the frizz?

  3. A Girl Needs a Name says

    Curly hair is thirsty hair, looks like these products are really working for you.  Don’t worry about not using a pick, you can brush or finger comb with conditioner in (or another good product like this sounds), so you aren’t breaking your hair brushing it.

    One hairdresser also did a really fast rinse after conditioner on my hair and I’ve been meaning to try that at home instead of rinsing it all out.  I’ve also heard of people using a bit of conditioner post-shower as product before their hair dries.

    It’s hard to find good products for curly hair, lucky you getting to try a few at once!

  4. Jody says

    Oh hon, I have super curly hair much like you. I go through a ton of condition too. However, I don’t have it super long anymore as the weight of it pulled the curls out and made my hair look drab. So, I found a good hairdresser who knew curly and asked her to give me short layers so my curls would show up.  And boy did they ever! Going to look into Garnier now, thanks for the review!

    • thekitchenmagpie says

      @Jody Layers work wonders!! As long as I can put it back in a ponytail without any wisps in my face I’m happy. Strangely my hair is too crazy short, the weight must pull it down enough to be manageable! I really love these products too, we will keep using them for sure!

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