It’s Good Friday morning, let the eating fest begin!
If you are in any way like my family – who have descended upon me for the Easter weekend and we couldn’t be happier- Easter means wine, food and more food. Add in a bunny that leaves chocolate for the adults to steal kids to eat on Easter morning and well….that treadmill is going to be creaking come Easter Monday morning.
With the holidays I like to do a recipe round-up, so here goes everything.
Magpie’s Easter Menu.
First, my Monkey Bread recipe is always made. Always. It’s not a holiday with my family without this delicious yeasty, home made sweet pull apart bread.
Next, we also make Easy Eggs Benedict.
It’s like we wait for holidays to eat all the fattening food that we don’t regularly eat.
Tell me we ain’t the only crazy family that does this?
Saturday…I’m playing hooky and going ice fishing with my sister. So because I am gone, this 9 hour pot roast will cook all day long and the more it cooks, the better it tastes. This is my favorite life saver recipe and an old family favorite. This must be from the 1970’s because of the onion soup mix and gravy and it’s been a family standby forever.
My sister saw my M&M trifle recipe and demanded – it was a demand, that’s not just sister talk- that we make this for dessert this weekend.
Who am I to argue?
M&M Brownie Trifle it is.
Sunday will the requisite turkey and ham – yes both – and then Monday will be leftovers.
So will Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
What is on everyone’s Easter Weekend Menu? Does anyone have any lovely recipes to share?
Happy Easter Weekend everyone!
Oy Is Monday Going to be a Detox Day Magpie
vvboutiquestyle says
I went to a big extended family gathering where they cleaned up what I thought was the meal only to bring out TWO turkeys and TWO hams plus everything that goes with it. Then there was some fruit salad from a can at the end so that was weird but by then, my kid had puked and I had coped with wine so I didn’t really care.
Nicole (looking forward to Friday!)
Kendyl Hudson says
Turkey with all the fixins – so happy to be able to share Easter with the bf and the best part of my family! I even made an Easter centre piece with an “egg” goody basket for each guest
Ida Pence Waterous says
Ham, no particular recipe other than I warm it in the crockpot to leave the oven free for rolls, etc.