Christmas family photo with Dad, Mom, Son and Daughter

Merry Christmas from my family to yours! May your holiday season be full of  laughter and love, family and friends and of course, food and wine galore!

close up of young siblings wearing their winter outfits

For those of you with children, I hope the peals of laughter and squeals of joy from children opening their gifts tomorrow morning fill your hearts to their bursting point. Hug them close, today, tomorrow and always. They are the greatest gift you will ever be given and time flies so fast. I can’t believe my son is celebrating his ninth Christmas already. It feels like I just had him all dressed in his little white snowman outfit for his first Christmas ever.

young boy wearing black coat with a scarf on his neck

I’m going to try not to cry that they are 6 and 9 now. Christmas always reminds me how fast they are growing up and no matter how hard I try, I can’t slow it down.

young girl smiling, wearing her winter outfit

Enjoy your families, call a loved one on Christmas if they can’t be with you and say Merry Christmas to everyone that you run into.  Find your happy and hold it close. I hope that 2013 is going to be a fabulous year for everyone, full of fun, laughter, excitement and most importantly, love.

Merry Christmas everyone!


Karlynn, Mike and the little Magpies

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. paularkelly says

    Wonderful post, beautiful family.  Merry Christmas to all of you and all the best in 2012.  Continued success with The Kitchen Magpie šŸ™‚

  2. HeyNanaBread says

    @KitchenMagpie Love the family photos, Karlynn. What a charming group. Merry Christmas!!!

    • KitchenMagpie says

      @HeyNanaBread Merry Christmas!! Enjoy the holidays!

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