woman's photo on a wanted template

I have been completely MIA.


Gone over the fence.

And perhaps out of my mind, but that’s just a normal week in my household, so THAT’S nothing new.

However, for my 10 little readers out there – oh, how I do brag, fine, all 8 of you- that don’t actually know me in real life and haven’t listened to my incessant whining , horrible diatribes mournful sighs of loneliness, Mr Magpie has been gone now on and off since his little fancy free flight in Arizona the middle of January.

Now I share this with the online world, all 10 8 of you because, well, a girl’s gotta be smart.

The first week I was alone with the kids while Mr Magpie ironically flew back to Phoenix for training. Yup. Came home and surprise! Back you go, darling.

But I don’t do the whole “let’s announce I am alone with children, not sleeping properly as it is and see who lurks out of the online world.

So I suffered in silence.

THAT just about killed me, never mind a random cyber axe murderer stalking me.

And now I am lucky enough to have family staying with me, so the house is never empty and I am never alone.

I tried to find a bonus in that sentence and was really hard pressed to do so. Never empty. Never alone. Yip.

And we are on the second last stint of his travels, he’s home late tomorrow night – only to take off again next week-  so I can probably complain now.

I’m lonely.

The laundry hasn’t  been put away in weeks.

The cat doesn’t get any attention.

I don’t get any attention.

I have no one to warm my feet on at night.

I don’t have time to blog.

I miss my kids.

I miss my kids because if I am not working in the evenings then they are at school and I work 6 days this week and I am sad.

Going back to your single days and not being part of a pair, even for just a month, is not the same with two children. They keep getting me kicked out of the bars.


This is something Mr Magpie has wanted certification in for as long as I have known him. Why we have to cram in what he’s wanted for 12 years into one month, I will never know, but hey, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, right? Your fingers will get bit. Trust the country girl on this one, k? Just don’t even get near a horse’s mouth and you will be all the happier for it. Smells like hay and they have really bad manners.

And I am incredibly proud of Mr Magpie for going and being really REALLY alone, so alone he’s tired of eating out at restaurants and tired of hotels and tired of flying. And he still has to do more and he’s going to plug through it. Five courses in one month, while still popping into work when’s he’s here for a day, trying to see the kids as much as he can and putting away that aforementioned laundry. (what, you seriously didn’t expect me to do it, did you? Why do you think I married the man, he spoils me rotten)

I also can’t wait to use up all these points he’s accumulating.

The kids have also had a really nice time with their Papa who’s helping me out. Good thing the man is retired, because he’s busier than he was when he worked.

And it will be over soon.

So forgive me for the lack of updating, I will try to find the time but to be honest I have barely even looked at seeds and started my yard planning this year, something which I usually obsess over starting Boxing Day.

I have a new few recipes that I have made but am falling back on my favorites with the lack of time,  the tried and trues that I have already done, like the Monkey Bread on Sundays and pot roast instead of trying new things out.

I hope everyone is having a fantastic February and just think, it’s a short month!


Learn to cook like the Kitchen Magpie

A Very Prairie Christmas Bakebook

Vintage Baking to Celebrate the Festive Season!

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a copy of Flapper Pie cook book

Flapper Pie and a Blue Prairie Sky

A Modern Bakerā€™s Guide to Old-Fashioned Desserts

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The Prairie Table

Suppers, Potlucks & Socials: Crowd-Pleasing Recipes to Bring People Together

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. A Canadian Foodie says

    HILARIOUS!!! I want a copy of that poster for my door! You are always such a laugh. I have missed you! Lots happening at your house. Nothing at mine. Well, great cooking classes… but, no kids and we are all home and doing very little. Nice to hear someone is busy past understanding. I remember when…

  2. Karlynn says

    I think you’ve seen me more than my own children Mindy ;). I think I like the theme song of “it’s my blog and I’ll whine if I want to”…

    Just make me another yummy Dolce and Banana tea at work next time you are in.

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