I find that my little “snippets” of life are caught more by Instagram than my huge camera. I decided it’s high time I started pulling them off my phone and sharing my week via those “snippets” . If you don’t follow me on Instagram, you can find me as TheKitchenMagpie on there or click here to follow online.

So on with the snippets!

We finally had one nice, smoking hot day and we hit the beach. I, of course, covered up my lily-white skin and read in the sunshade while the kids frolicked in the sand and surf. Please, please let us see more of those days this summer!

woman wearing sun glasses and beach hatSpeaking of beautiful, the kids and I went to Famoso for pizza one night and after it stormed, this amazing double rainbow shone down over South Common here in Edmonton.


young girl in blue shirt and skirt standing in the field with rainbow on backgroundMike and I had a date night.

close up of a man and a woman smiling togetherWith this.

Packrat Louie’s here in Edmonton had their annual pig roast and we attended. It was amazing. I ate pork crackling better than any I’ve ever had before.

roasting a two whole pigsMiss Rose decided that Root Beer needed to be a princess and he happily obliged. Oh rainy days, how we (and the dog) have had enough of you!

cute little dog on the floorThen because we figured that there hadn’t been enough dog shaming going on in our house, we bought Root Beer a camping sweater. He actually does get cold when camping, but he wears it with a resigned look on his scruffy little face.

A look that says “I will throw up in your shoes as revenge. Soon.”

cute little dog wearing camping sweaterWe bundled the dog in his shaming sweater and took him and the kids out camping again.

Hotdogs were roasted. Marshmallows toasted.

Books were read. Dogs wore their shaming sweaters.

young boy reading a book while sitting in a camping chairMore books were read.

If I have done anything right with these kids, it would be that I am raising avid readers. They read all weekend long since it was too cold to go to the Ā beach.

That’s not saying I am doing anything right parent-wise, just that IF I ever did something right…this would be it.

young girl reading a book while sitting near the white door

Bad, evil-looking storm clouds frightened the heck out of us.

When you see colors like this in the clouds, panic. Just go ahead and freaking panic. I give you permission.

In reality, did you know that a line of clouds like this means hail? True story. When you see this, hail is coming Ā your way.

Hail came. Hail thwacked the trailer. Hail left.

thick clouds in the sky indicating bad storm

Many, many fires were lit. Some were lit after the rain, some were lit in the morning and some were lit to cook food.

Some campfires were lit because there was nothing else to do but burn things.

A Ā pyromaniacs love story, this past weekend was.

campfire in the dark

Now, I am busy planning for another weekend camping. I shop, I pack, I clean clothes, to start all over again in this wonderful summertime cycle we have going on! There’s another a huge stash of pictures waiting to be posted and those all have to do with fishing. I’ll get to those between the suitcases and grocery shopping.

Thanks for reading my little snippets o’ life everyone!



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A Very Prairie Christmas Bakebook

Vintage Baking to Celebrate the Festive Season!

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a copy of Flapper Pie cook book

Flapper Pie and a Blue Prairie Sky

A Modern Bakerā€™s Guide to Old-Fashioned Desserts

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The Prairie Table

Suppers, Potlucks & Socials: Crowd-Pleasing Recipes to Bring People Together

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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