My poor work girls.

Wondering where the pictures of the actual night out were.

Instead, I posted pictures of alcohol. You can tell where my priorities lie, can’t ya?

So let’s start with a picture of the absolutely amazing platter we all shared at Chianti’s the other night.

That luckily sopped up everything I drank at dinner.

It’s all about balance.

a plate full of variety of dishes and dip sauce

Alright, on to my second family, at least some of them. You asked for it ladies.

two women sitting in the dinning table

Cymantha and Anisa. More on them later.

Lynn. Ah Lynn, my partner in drinking crime. Lynn is a riot.

Now, I don’t have a clear picture of Lynn. They are all blurred.

I have a theory.

Either she was weaving and bobbing around too much thanks to the Corona…

…or I couldn’t hold the camera steady thanks to the fruity drinks I imbibed.

You decide.

Melissa. Whom I also have no clear picture of, other than her beautiful profile.

We love Melissa. She’s funny when she’s hungover. And we share the same great taste in books.

I also want her to marry my brother but her damn boyfriend keeps getting in the way.

woman with short heart, vowed her head

Back to Cymantha. We love Cymantha because she is so happy.

All. The. Time.



Happy all the time.

When she swears, you end up on the floor laughing because it’s so uncharacteristic of her and happens only once every 6 months. I once hear her drop the F Bomb and I had tears in my eyes,  I laughed so hard.

Not like my sailor mouth.

Cymantha is a lady.

lady wearing a jacket, looking into something on her hand

Laurel. Oh, Laurel and her dry, sharp wit that keeps us laughing.

Dr Laurel, one day, and a magnificent one she will be.

We also love her because she’s one of the few people crazy enough to work the midnight shift, something the ladies who are parents refuse to do.

woman with a scarf on her neck, standing near the light post in the street

My work wife, Anisa.

We’ve worked every second weekend,  Saturday and Sunday night together for over the past year. We’re like a comfy pair of shoes that fit perfectly.

She knows my favorite Timmy’s soup.

I know she’s crazy about tennis and soccer and love her enough to listen about it and nod and pretend I know what she’s talking about.

And she has a heart of gold to go with that beautiful face. But she’ll lay the smack down on you baby, watch out.

She once threatened to slap a harassment suit on me because I wouldn’t stop telling her how much I love her. (have I mentioned she’s going to be a famous human rights lawyer?)

Look, she goes to Timmy’s on her break for us. You’d love her too.

woman wearing black jacket and a neck cover

So we all headed off down Whyte ave to the studio, our walk heralded by a beautiful rainbow.

a rainbow in the sky, with the view of street lights

And a picture of the studio.

What happened at the studio, stays at the studio.

But I will say it was hilariously fun, absolutely a riot and a unique way to get out with the girls.

There are SO many other girls that didn’t come, so hopefully next outing I can introduce some more of my lovely ladies.

inside the studio with wall full of mirror

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. KARAMI says

    Ha, I know what those poles are for in there. And I know that HAD to be a lot of super fun!

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