Back in July I woke up early – very early- one morning to head to the Breakfast Television studio in downtown Edmonton. That in itself isn’t anything that hasn’t happened before, as the fabulous crew at Breakfast Television have generously invited me on more than once to share stories or cooking skills with their audience. However, this time I had very special company on the kitchen set.

My obviously soon-to-be-a-celebrity-chef son accompanied me. Indeed, it was his morning, not mine as he was cooking breakfast all by himself in the Breakfast Television studio, with me along as a minor embarrassment Ā  guide and helper.

He got to check out the green room and watch everyone on the TV in there. I think the highlight of this was getting his mike! Oh my goodness, the sparkle in his adorable hazel eyes when he got that mike set on!

young boy in black shirt sitting in the black couch

You are in the kitchen and ready to go long before it’s even your segment on TV, so I had a chance to take some pictures of my cutie-patootie.

I can call him that because my children don’t read my blog. Yet. Really, what’s he going to do about it? Complain that I never took him on TV with me?


young boy wearing kitchen apron, standing in from of kitchen table with the ingredients for cooking

My cutie-patootie (I think I’ll call him that in front of his future girlfriends) was as calm as a cucumber. Or is that cool as a cucumber? It must be cool, because why would a cucumber be calm?

For that matter, why is a cucumber even cool?

I’ll stop sharing my inside thoughts with you and let’s just say he was a pro at it.

close up of young boy wearing his kitchen apron

For those of you who haven’t seen the video of him on Breakfast TV, here is the video of my little chef! Oh my word, this Mama could not be prouder of him!

After his amazing – I’m not biased at all, am I – television debut he wanted his picture taken with Bridget Ryan who of course, was an amazing sport and posed with him on the set. I also hadn’t ever met Bridget, so it was a treat for me since she is almost always out and about in Edmonton and not in the studio when I am in!

breakfastTV host holding a mug and a young boy wearing kitchen apron

I’d like to thank the great crew at Breakfast Television here in Edmonton for having us on, what an experience for my boy! Ok, and this proud Mama. I just get all verklempt watching him in this video, I can’t help it. It’s that whole Mom thing.


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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. Mary Dryden says

    I ate these as a kid we called them birds in a nest very good! If you look up traditional toad in a hole you find sausages cooked in a Yorkshire pudding. Looks strange but may taste fabulous

  2. The Kitchen Magpie says

    Aw thanks Mary! I’m rather biased but man, I’m proud of him!

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