My Sunday Table: 1970’s Deviled Egg Version

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Sunday table with classic deviled eggs in green egg plate

This edition of My Sunday Table finds Edmonton shrouded in a gloomy, cloudy grey haze of rain, with small sunshine breaks interspersed between like a taunting child sticking out his tongue at you. Na-na-na- boo boo, sayeth Mr Sun, you can’t depend on me!

What else could you expect from a woman who just spent the weekend surrounded by kids – camping in close quarters with them- and then a rainy afternoon surrounded by even more children at the Highlands Street Festival?

Na-Na-Na-Boo-Boo indeed. I’m tired, chilled to the bone and ready to sleep in a nice warm, non-trailer bed.

So I’ll be short and sweet today with My Sunday Table.

Setting this table was fun, simply awesome retrolicious, gosh darn fun.

I got to bring out my 1970’s Carnival glass, all thanks to my Mom making up her classic deviled eggs last weekend for our family supper. As soon as I heard what she was making, I knew that my egg plate was going to be the star of the retro table show.

And so it was.

Sunday table with classic deviled eggs in green egg plate 70's edition

 With the 1970’s inspiration I knew that I would have to edit my photos to have that 1970’s cook book feel.

What fun this was! No worrying about the lighting being amazing – indeed, the darker the better in the 70’s, I swear- and  having plates that dated from that era?

Pricelessly perfect and straight from a 1970’s recipe book.

Sunday table with classic deviled eggs in green egg plate 70's edition

My children have been trained, aye, very well-trained, that sticking your hand, face or any other body part into a picture that Mom is taking is punishable by 100 lashes with a lettuce leaf or a similar equivalent. Mom does not find photo bombing funny when she’s shooting food/table photos that have taken her a long time to set up.

Not so with Wyatt.

My brother apparently forgot that he’s 31 now and should start acting at least half his age.

We’re still waiting for that to happen.

classic deviled eggs in green egg plate, blur picture of a man in photo

I actually waited the whole meal for someone to act their age,  but as you can see, my family will never be featured in Martha Stewart Living magazine.

This was the best picture I could get of them at dinner.

They just can’t behave but gosh darn it, I love them for it.

Meh. Martha’s kinda boring anyway.

family Sunday table 70's edition

As for that fabulous 1970’s table setting, I’m going to tell you how it’s done!

Sunday table with classic deviled eggs in green egg plate

1) White plates by Primagera, made in Portugal. $4.99 at HomeSense.

2) Large scalloped bowl by Primagera, made in Portugal, HomeSense. $9.99

3) Indiana Carnival Glass punch cup in green, circa 1970’s. Value $5

4) Indiana Carnival Glass Egg Plate, circa 1970’s. Value $40

5) Retro tablecloth, Value Village, $2.99

I was so excited to start using my Carnival glass collection for My Sunday Table and you will most certainly be seeing more and more of my pieces. I’ve been an avid collector for years and it’s about time I started using them.

Happy Sunday everyone! I hope that everyone had a fabulous weekend and you are rejuvenated for the coming week!

Thanks for stopping by and reading!



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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. ACanadianFoodie says

    Love deviled eggs and homemade egg salad – have made 2 batches of both this season already – and I will add… two batches of potato salad, too!


  2. The Kitchen Magpie says

    Charlynn Cox that’s awesome! Totally what I was aiming for!

  3. Charlynn Cox says

    I have the anniversary edition of Chatelaine magazine-this pic looks like one of the recipes from one of their editions in the 70s!

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