scrambled eggs, whole grain toast and sliced organic gala apples in the table for Sunday breakfast

This Sunday I thought I would give you a sneak peek at my go-to breakfast when we are running late. Not the piece of toast clamped in your teeth running out the door kind of late – although that happens often in this household – but more resembling the “we only have 10 minutes for a fast sit down meal” kind of late.

Scrambled eggs, whole grain toast and sliced organic gala apples happen at least once a week in our house.

This meal happens on school mornings, weekends that have morning plans woven into them and is a fast favorite. My challenge for myself was to manage to set a pretty table fast. I already have the fast food down pat, but what about something pretty?

So the Breakfast in a Hurry table was born.

I’m finding more and more with this table setting challenge that it’s all coming down to having a matching set of dishes. Not in pattern, shape or size, but in hues and colors. Most of my dishes are blues and greens – reflecting my large collection of Indiana Carnival glass that I want to use in this challenge-  and when you start putting them together, pretty little table setting magic happens.

Sure, I could be dressing up these photos with antique silverware, pretty herbs tied in bundles and more, but the whole point of this was that it’s real, this is my table that we actually eat at, with my dishes, not a photo shoot meant for a cook book.

On that “keeping it real” note, I’d hate to see what my children would do to pretty bundles of dried herbs by the end of the meal.

You also won’t catch me polishing antique silverware, most likely because I hate polishing silverware but also because my sister has both sets from both of my Grandma’s.

We’re going to need to talk about that real soon, Karami.

top down shot of scrambled eggs, whole grain toast and sliced organic gala apples in the table for Sunday breakfast

It could also be that I’ve embraced red heavily in my house decor, matching it with yellow and aqua everywhere I possibly can.

The proof is in the pudding.

I have an addiction to blues, yellows and reds apparently.

Yellow flowers and eggs.

Red bowl and apples.

The more I look at this photo, the more I worry about my sanity.

I apparently can’t break free from primary colors.

scrambled eggs, whole grain toast and sliced organic gala apples in the table for Sunday breakfast

Moving on from my mental state – because that’s just too scary to talk about online- let’s get into the breakdown of what these dishes are!

1) Melamine salad plate from Target, $3

2) Blue bowl from the “Threshold” line at Target. I’m going to guess it was around $5. My bad.

3) Indiana Carnival glass dish, in red,  around 4 inches in diameter, Circa 1970’s. Value: $20

4) Cynthia Rowley Tablecloth, HomeSense $20

5) Indiana Carnival glass small ruffled Hostess Bowl in blue, Circa 1970’s.  Value $15 each

This table setting actually happened during the week, one morning before school. Remember, My Sunday Table is simply going to be written about every Sunday and not actually happen on Sundays all the time.

This is a hard fixed rule of My Sunday Table because right now as I type at 7:26 on Sunday evening, I am eating a bowl of whole wheat macaroni with butter and Sovrano cheese shredded on top for supper and munching away – while writing this post, mind you.

I’m carbing out on pasta after a weekend of walking, mushrooming, fishing,camping and more. I’ve walked literally miles this weekend, thrashed through bushes looking for Morel mushrooms, learned how to drive a boat after getting my license and am so bone weary that the thought of a real supper tonight makes me want to weep a little.

So while these table settings may not happen on actual Sundays, I will try to write about it every Sunday evening.

I truly am enjoying sharing this peek into what a food blogger actually puts on her table for her family and not just those set up cook book type photos. Of course they are prettied up, that’s the whole point, to challenge myself.

If you could only see me now.

Well, why not? Here you go. Keeping it real.

My Sunday dinner, as it happens right now.

I won’t post the picture of me in my pajama shorts, hair freshly frizzed out from not being blowdried and slightly sunburned nose and cheeks. You’re welcome.

macaroni in a bowl in front of laptop for Sunday dinner

What did everyone get up to this weekend? Tell me that someone got more sleep than I did, man alive I have got to get used to camping again, it’s been years!

Onward to the next weekend, let’s just get through this week again!



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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. kornmaiden says

    I have a carnival glass vase from a carnival my great aunt performed in.

    • thekitchenmagpie says

      _u*********@li******.com" profile_url="" ns="true">kornmaiden Oooh my! I have an obsession with carnival glass…that must be an wonderful old piece!!

  2. The Kitchen Magpie says

    Well that’s a wonderful way to spend a Sunday! Happy birthday to him!!

  3. Ida Pence Waterous says

    Celebrated my son’s birthday today at an Italian restaurant

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