Day One of Paris is going to be short, simple and shot with my IPhone , so forgive the IPhone photos. If I could slur typing I certainly would try; between the fact that I’ve had three hours sleep in the last day andĀ a half and the fact that THAT fact doesn’t keep me from indulging in wine every chance I get, my cognitive skills are low.

Let’s talk in short excerpts, shall we?

This is what kept me sane on the flights to Paris. I don’t enjoy flying. I do enjoy wine.

Swiss Classic Chocolate Bar and a bottle of La Petite Forge

This is where we are staying. Have pictures. Will give you a room and hotel tour.

signage of Les Jardins du Marais in Paris

Us, sans sleep, lots of airplane travel but happy. I have mascara under my right eye.Unflattering selfies should be all the rage.

We crashed face first into the mattress- oh Europe, you and your teeny double beds – and slept three hours.

man and woman having selfie in Paris

We woke up and headed out on foot for the afternoon. Our first patisserie. I can’t remember the name, but THAT’S why I take pictures of everything with my big camera. My memory is on there.

The Paris Brest and tarte citron au meringuĆ©eĀ were amazing of course.

The Paris Brest and tarte citron au meringuƩe

We walked and walked and walked and saw beauty everywhere we looked.

building image in Paris

We found a Franprix (chain grocer) that our friend Kevin recommended. It’s perfect for water, a bottle of wine and the absolutely delicious Saucissons Secs “mini snack” packs.

I will LIVE on these for the next eight days for a protein kick. They make me happy.Saucissons Secs "mini snack" packs

This was the view from our hotel at 5 pm today, which is mind blowingly amazing. I can’t stop gaping like a tourist at this entire city.(Perhaps because I am said tourist). I might have teared up a little, either from exhaustion or emotions, or both.

outside view of buildings from the hotel

We went out again and walked. Ate dinner. Bought bread, cheese and wine, more pastries. Took pictures. Exhaustion be damned, it was a fine first day in Paris.

Tomorrow sees us at Disneyland Paris, which I am sure surprises no one.

And now, it’s eight o’clock and I’m done! Hopefully I managed that with a lack of slurring.



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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. Katy says

    Looks absolutely beautiful! I look forward to more posts—I’m going to Paris in May and am looking for any recommendations.  

    • thekitchenmagpie says

      @Katy  As a newbie to Paris, I will do my best! Maybe a few newbie posts are in order!

  2. rissemc says

    KitchenMagpie Jealous!! Looks amazing. Make sure to have some macarons from Laduree! #paris

  3. eatlivtravwrite says

    KitchenMagpie If that’s just your first day in Paris, I can’t wait to see the rest!

    • thekitchenmagpie says

      @eatlivtravwrite I have to catch up with picture editing now! The IPhone ones were easy!

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