What I really like about the new site design is that you can completely ignore my home and garden section, if you are so inclined.
And alllll summer long, baby.
If I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again: not only do I enjoy it and love my gardening, but pictures help my feeble mind remember what I did last year.
Where I planted things.
What I planted.
And perhaps why.
The why is an important one, when I get out in the spring and start poking around in the mud thinking “why didn’t I put bulbs here?” only to dig them up accidentally a few days later because I didn’t go back and read my blog.
And I enjoy honing my relatively raw and new photography skills.
And the nerd in me documents the growth of some plants for the heck of it.
Or I just think something is pretty and I try to get a good shot.
Or encounter my nemesis who appears to be growing, but had me fooled last year, right good and proper.
And best of all, documenting the firsts, like the first honeyberry that I found tucked in under the leaves of the bush, exciting me to no end that I get to try them this year!
But, if you aren’t a green thumb, luckily thanks to the lovely design of the site, you can wander over to my recipes, and perhaps whip up my hazelnut chocolate chip cookies, which, by the way, are the most amazing thing you have ever tasted. A complete fluke because I bought nuts, a spur of the moment combination and they are now Mike’s favorite above all else. And I crave them so bad that I can’t make them, or I eat them all.
Or flashback to when my parents house almost burnt down in a grass fire.
Want to see what Hearst Castle looks like?
Ah. So much fun to be found other than garden stuff!
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