A box of Philips brand airfryer on top of stove

Ok guys.

I have tested.

I have tasted.

I have cooked and eaten and enjoyed.

Time to get down to the nitty-gritty. What do I actually think of the Philips airfryer?

three pieces chicken inside airfryer

Well, to start, it makes a great air-fried chicken. I thoroughly enjoyed the chicken that I made in the Airfryer. If you are looking for more space, there is a double rack that you can use to maximize your cooking space. This would work well with smaller chicken thighs like the ones that I used in the fried chicken recipe.

stainless double rack for airfryer

It’s sleek and small enough to fit on your counter and stores really easily on my shelf. I don’t have room to keep appliances out on the counter so I’m glad that it fits onto the shelves nicely.


black, sleek and small Philips brand airfryer

The Gordon Ramsey BBQ Glazed Bacon and Egg Croissants were delicious, the only problem being that there isn’t enough room to cook as much bacon as I wanted. For a family of four, I need to make a LOT of bacon. So while it does cook bacon splendidly, I think it’s more suited to a couple or small family, at least for bacon needs.

BBQ Glazed Bacon and Egg Croissants on white plate

But what about the fries? Why won’t anyone think of the poor fries?

Oh, I did, don’t you worry. I wanted to test out how this baby cooked up some fries. I had half a bag left in the freezer and like the Supermom that I am, made some fries for the kids after school.

The entire point to the Airfyer is that it uses less oil and you end up with the same crispy, delicious texture. In order to make the fries, you DO add a bit of oil to the mixture. Then you bake these babies up – and they are delicious.

You can make homemade fries in the Airfryer and those are next on my list.

some fries inside the airfryer

Fries make me happy.

Homemade fries make me happier, so I can’t wait to try the Airfryer out again on some homemade fries. Maybe I’ll be Supermom again on Friday for an after school treat.

Homemade fries in a small bowl on marble nackground

So my final thoughts for anyone looking for an Airfryer.

  1. If you are into small appliances that do really cool things, this is for you.
  2. If you don’t want to fry with oil ( like me) this is fantastic for homemade french fries. The Airfryer is cleaner, doesn’t smell up the house and WAY LESS OIL.
  3. I wish that it was larger. This is perfect for a couple, but other than fries I can’t usually make enough in it for a family of four. I would call it best for snacks or a meal for two people. So you have to weigh your cooking needs for an appliance that takes up space in your house!
  4. It makes cooking healthier – big bonus.

So, who owns one and what are your thoughts?

Happy Cooking!



While this post has been sponsored, my opinions remain my own.

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. Susie A. Romney WVA says

    Just wanted to try a new chicken recipe,after reading comments, I just have to say. Our 1st air fryer was small but quickly became one of our most popular,most used and most bragged about appliance we ever purchased. Our family and friends gladly enjoyed trying out all my trials. Soon we purchased a much larger one. We are about 5 yrs with air fryer. Love it !!

  2. jackalJarrod says

    I WANT one but the prices on these items make me cringe as I don’t eat fries that often and I tend to use the oven to cook my crispy chicken (esp those days when its not all the way defrosted because you just don’t have enough time)

    • kannie87 says

      _u********@li******.com" profile_url="https://www.livefyre.com/profile/3423486/" ns="true">jackalJarrod you don’t have to wait for it to be defrosted, a lot of them have a frozen chicken option

  3. Jackie Wallace Kierans says

    Love mine. Can you share recipe for fried chicken in your article \U0001f60a

  4. Tina Roach says

    Thank you thank you thank YOU!! Thanks for the review! I make your chocolate chip cookies and salt and pepper wings regularly so I know you are a gal to trust! Ive wanted one of these, also for the fries. Now I know! And BTW , that bacon looked great!! Look forward to getting one!

    • The Kitchen Magpie says

      Yes, for fries it’s excellent !! Like I said you just can’t cook for family , it’s a snack machine lol!

    • Tina Roach says

      Well good! Thats all I ever do anyway! Snack! Thanks again

  5. Kyle Parker Metzger says

    Just unpacked mine from QVC. It’s the oversized Cooks Essentials one – it’s huge! I’m going to use it for the first time tonight. Wish me luck! \U0001f62c

    • Kyle Parker Metzger says

      The Kitchen Magpie It looks big enough for 2 big ribeye steaks

  6. Rosaline Linhart says

    I would ask if having one and using as much as you did, is it cost effective for the price of the unit.

    • The Kitchen Magpie says

      Not for a family of four, because I see myself only making fries in it.

  7. Cathy Anne says

    You have to try making homemade sweet potato fries!
    Also is the bomb for reheating leftovers that the microwave makes soggy like pizza!
    I love my air fryer

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