view of the beach with very few people

There’s that whole giddy excitement mixed with sheer, unadulterated terror feeling again, I am almost used to it now. Almost. Not quite.

Lynn, my lovely friend from work announced that she was off to the beach this morning and asked if anyone wanted to join her. I, of course, jumped on the invitation like a crocodile on a wildebeest and told her we would love it. I had re-arranged the house, cleaned it top to bottom and the kids and I needed O-U-T!

After that, the phone rang several different times with several different people calling from our builder, but the most important one was from the girl booking our final walk-through of our house. In her cheery, chirpy little voice she informed me that our possession date was ..drum-roll please…

September 23rd.

I can almost hear everyone right now…making your plans to be out of town….not answering your phone when I call..anything, ANYTHING but being a furniture mover.

Let me assure you that you can put down your credit card and stop planning on going to Fiji just so you are out of town at the time of my moving in.

I have plenty of wonderful help.

On second thought, can you take me to Fiji with you?

view of the beach with some people having a picnic sitting in the sand

So we spent the afternoon at the beach, soon to be our beach too, enjoying the chilly Canadian summer. To be honest, it cheered me up to watch the kids going in the lake and having a blast even though the sun was behind the clouds most of the afternoon. In the top picture, one of the little dots in the water is my son snorkeling with his new set and Lynn’s son. They appear much farther away then they were, I zoomed out to capture as much of the lake view as I could as my sister demanded pictures today.

a boy in a blue floating chair in the beach

Then my boy was in seventh heaven. Sprite and a floating chair.  This is Nirvana.

The playground was almost devoid of children but mine had no interest. It was all about the water and sand.

the playground in the beach

So Sunday we decided to take a drive out to see how the house was going and lo and behold:

The Yellow Walls.

newly painted walls on the on going house construction

Indeed. The yellow walls are pretty much exactly what I wanted. I breathed a huge sigh of relief when Mike told me “I love them, they look great!”

So this was the kitchen Sunday.

the kitchen part of the house with walls alone

This is the kitchen today. I cranked the contrast of this picture to make it darker, I shot all these through very dirty windows with light reflecting everywhere. To take these pictures required using one hand to shoot – don’t ask me how I steadied and then clicked with one hand, I do not know- and using my other hand to block the light coming in.

So there it starts. The kitchen I have had in the back of my mind for a good 5 years now, finally taking form in our new house.

Serious thrills and chills for this cookin’ mama.

finished kitchen with cabinets

This shot I left normal, the yellow color is closest to real life and the hardware isn’t black like it looks above, it’s a stainless steel I do believe. So far, so good, it looks like they got it all correct.

another shot of finished kitchen with cabinets on a different lightning

I am sure that there will be more sneaky, through the window shots as the house goes on, we do have our last walk-through on the 18th which means there will be so many pictures to see, well, that evening because I am so impatient to get these posts up and share.

The final inspection is on September 19th, taking a total of two hours and I am sure every relative that I know is going to come and help inspect. It’s what we do. I have pictures of my brother’s inspection with my parents, myself, Mike and the kids all working together to “inspect”.

These things are family affairs, to be sure, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


The So Excited To See My Kitchen Being Built Magpie

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. A Canadian Foodie says

    Absolutely thrilling! I understand completely. The house we are in now that you will see in a couple of weeks when you and the kiddies come over – was one we built and designed. It took an entire year then, and that was a long time 9 years ago – YUP, Sept 12 it will be 9 years – and you will see it is still a bit trendy. We must have been WAY ahead of our time… haha – but I really need somethings changed right now, and am not getting too much enthusiasm from my other half. I LOVE a yellow kitchen. Mom had hers yellow later in life, at home (it was turquoise in the 60’s, as they all were). I love the cheeriness of a yellow and white kitchen. Gorgeous cabinets. Oh, you shall have such fun! Are you packed yet?
    Now – what beach did you go to?

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