Egg Recipes

When most people think of breakfast recipes, they think of egg recipes, of course! While there is nothing better than simple scrambled eggs for a quick and protein packed breakfast, there are so many more recipes that you can make with eggs. A great quiche recipe always comes to mind and a quiche is so easily customized to everyone’s differing tastes.

Or if you are like me and simple hard boiled eggs sprinkled with sea salt and pepper while having a quick morning coffee is your daily breakfast, I have two recipes to help you make great boiled eggs! Try my Instant Pot Boiled Eggs and How to Make Perfect Boiled Eggs for two methods of making your stash of eggs for busy mornings.

How To Tell if Eggs Are Bad

While it is really rare for eggs to go bad on you as the expiry dates are very long lasting, there are times when you might pick up a dozen that are suspicious. Here are a few ways to tell if eggs are bad, but my advice is when in doubt, throw them out!

  • Check the expiry date first.
  • The Smell Test. Eggs will have that sulfur smell when they start to go bad. Smell the outside of the shell first, then if you can’t tell,crack the egg and then smell it.
  • The Shake Test. Shake the egg and listen carefully, if you can hear sloshing then egg has gone bad.
  • The Float Test. Place the egg in a bowl of cold water ( enough to submerge it) and if it floats, it’s bad.

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Featured Recipe Video

How to make your perfect egg in the Instant Pot, whether it’s soft boiled, medium boiled or hard boiled! There’s an egg for everyone! You can batch cook up eggs in the Instant Pot and you can safely keep them in the fridge for up to a week.

All Egg Recipes

All of our egg recipes use eggs as the focal point or are a good way to incorporate eggs as a protein source in your meal.

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