Kraft Keurig compatible pods with a box of Maxwell House Coffee

Today saw our household in a whirl, packing up to go out camping, rounding up clothes, beach toys and Kraft Keurig®* Compatible Pods.

I’ve created a monster.

We now own a machine out at our trailer at the lake and Mike has his favorite type of coffee thanks to my previous post where we tried out three different types of Kraft Keurig compatible pods. He is absolutely in love with the Gevalia Keurig®* Compatible Pods .These little delights are coffee done the Swedish way, rich, never bitter and a gorgeous full bodied cup just waiting to be savoured and comes in the choices of a Dark House Blend or a Dark Italian Roast.

Mike’s obsession has now reached the point where we have to pack up his favorite – Gevalia Keurig®* Compatible Pods- and take them camping. Oy.

I am still a lover of the Maxwell House Keurig®*Compatible Podsas shown above and yes, I still steal Mike’s coffee mug all the time. Best. Mug. Ever.

Now, remember that theNew Kraft Keurig®* Compatible Pods are available in your favourite Kraft brands:Maxwell House, Gevalia and Naboband are all available at your local grocer. You can try them out easily! Just click through to the Kraft website to enjoy $1 off Maxwell House, Gevalia and Nabob Keurig®* Compatible Pods and for more information!

Last time I posted there were ten winners chosen at random from my blog to enjoy a sample pack of the new Kraft Keurig®* compatible pods. Now it’s time for those winners to enter another contest! If you were one of the lucky winners from the first contest, comment below with which coffee you loved the best and why! You will be entered into a prize draw to win a $50 VISA gift card!

For those of you who have not tried the coffee, read the comments below to see which ones are the favorites!

Remember, in order to be eligible for this prize, you must have won and sampled the coffee awarded in the first blog post!

The contest Terms and Conditions:

o   You must leave at least 1 comment with positive feedback about the Keurig®* Compatible Pods- you can pick a favorite or just comment about all three types.

o   You must provide  your full name that you originally used to enter the contest in the first blog post

o   You must leave a comment by Thursday July 17, 2014 12pm EST.

o   NO PURCHASE NESSESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. Winner must leave at least 1 comment to be entered in the draw. Additional comments will not increase chances of winning. Winner will be randomly chosen. Winner must reside in Canada and be 18 years and over. Winners from my first blog post have until Thursday July 17, 2014, 12pm to post a comment. The winner will be contacted by sheblogs on July 18, 2014 by 5pm EST. 



Good luck everyone!



*Works with Keurig® K-Cup® brewing systems. Not compatible with Keurig Vue® coffee makers. Keurig®, Keurig Vue®, and K-Cup® are registered trademarks of Keurig, Incorporated. Keurig, Incorporated is not affiliated with Kraft Canada Inc.

Although this post has been generously sponsored by Kraft Canada, the opinions and language are all my own, and in no way do they reflect Kraft Canada. 

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Karlynn Johnston

I’m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. prettymariansmith says

    I love to drink coffee and I want to try the coffee pods. The first time I used a compatible coffee pods is when my sister came back home from Perth. and it taste great! The coffee name is Mojo espresso, you can try also, here’s their website

  2. JaimeeM says

    My husband is a big fan of the Gevalia flavoured pods too! I think they are almost all gone already. 🙂

  3. Tasha says

    First of all, thank you for selecting me as a winner of the sample packs!  My favourite is the Nabob Breakfast, medium roast.  This is the perfect coffee blend to accompany breakfast, with a light and flavourful taste, yet strong enough to rejuvenate me for the day. 

    Tasha Desjardins

  4. Jennifer Presley says

    Was so excited to win the coffee! I love my Keurig, but hadn’t tried any of the three in the package. My favourite is the Maxwell House, I love a dark roast, and the flavour is great!!


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