So…I’m Sorta Doing The Edmonton Home & Garden Show….

a lady in grey cardigan on the kitchen
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a lady in grey cardigan on the kitchen

Ok, well not sorta. I AM going to be on the cooking stage at the Edmonton Home & Garden Show.


I’ve been keeping this under the lid since I found out, partly because I am most definitely a can’t-talk-or-you-jinx-it kinda gal. I am, I just can’t help it. Until something is completely set in stone, you won’t know it here on my site. I could literally be writing a book  or better yet, filming a movie about my oh-so glamorous life and you wouldn’t know about it until it was done, I just couldn’t spill the beans on it until it was a done deal.

Apparently I have anxiety issues when it comes to this. When I announced the first cook off last year, I thought to myself, “Oh great. Now I HAVE to make it happen, else everything come crashing down around me” Fear not, making a fool out of myself happens on a regular basis, announcements or not. I can’t even hint to an event, happening or publication happening here on The Kitchen Magpie. I just can’t. Where on earth did this superstition come from?

At any rate, it seems to work for me, so this leopard ain’t changing her spots. No “things to come”, you get what is set in stone.

This is set in stone.

I finally had to admit it as I wrote about the Culinary Cook Off People’s Choice Winner heading to the Edmonton Home & Garden Show as an added prize.

Those who went to look at the website would have to scroll past my smiling face to get to the cook off info, so I figured the cat was totally out of the bag once I published that article.

So on this pageĀ you can scroll down the list of Celebrities and Experts – of which I swear I am neither- and see bio on there and what I am doing, I am on Saturday and Sunday in the afternoon, baking up a dessert and handing out recipes for 4 other desserts!

So come by and say hi if you are there!


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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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