two children wrestling the trampoline, a man was busy with his two dogs

I just realized while writing up this post that in the picture above you can see my two children wrestling like tiger cubs on the trampoline. My daughter literally has my son pinned to the trampoline and if I was able to look closely, she might just be biting him. Actually, odds are she really is biting him because that’s how my feral children roll.

The title of this post came about while trying to take a picture of Molly, my brother Wyatt’s dog. We have finally finished the fence in the yard – gate and all!- so Molly can come over to “play” with Root Beer.

And by play, I mean run away from the annoying little fuzzball.

Molly, Molly, Molly.

Molly does not have a good side.

I tried.

I tried a natural shot.

Newp. Tongue is still hanging out like a derp. Which, by the way, is her nickname. Derp. Even my daughter calls her that. Derp Derp.

big black dog with tongue still hanging out

I tried a head on shot. Lord, you are cute Molly, but still not that smart looking.

close up of big black dog's face with mouth opened

I tried with someone distracting her to look away from the camera and she pulled off the trick of her right eye looking away while her left is still looking into the camera.

Creepy talent you have there, Molly.

close up of big black dog's face with mouth opened and tongue hanging

I tried an action shot and laughed till I cried when I saw it.

blur photo of big black dog running

You know what makes a dog lucky?

It’s all about the haircut.

Take Root Beer for example. Root Beer HAS ALL THE LUCK.

I cannot get a bad shot of this puppy no matter how hard I try.

These are the ugly pictures.

behave small brown white dog sitting on the ground

If you slapped this haircut on Molly, she’d be exponentially cuter.

close up of small brown white dog sitting on the ground


Maybe not.

edited photo of big black dog making it funny


The I Have Too Much Time On My Hands Magpie

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. ErinPete says

    I just love reading your blog šŸ˜‰ I am beginning to think of it as a much needed break during the day to just go on “The Kitchen Magpie” and snoop through your blog (I often feel like that is what I’m doing eventhough I’m assuming that is the purpose of. Blog, for people to actually read it! Lol) But, I love it šŸ˜‰ and this post had me in a hysterical laughing fit! Too funny! By the way, you’re right, Root Beer is adorable!!

  2. HeyNanaBread says

    @KitchenMagpie Good gravy… that cross-eyed shot of Molly made me snort-laugh! PS – did you have to pay extra to get the cutest dog EVER?

    • KitchenMagpie says

      @HeyNanaBread Ah we love Molly.Dumb but such a kind dog! Root Beer loves her- the feeling is slowly being reciprocated. He IS freakin’ cute.

  3. HeyNanaBread says

    @KitchenMagpie Nope, but thanks for the heads up! Just got home from 8 days in Vancouver & I’m still playing catch-up. Behind on pies, too!

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